Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012: (St. Francis de Sales)
Jesus said: “My people, you read about King David in today’s reading in how he had the Ark of the Covenant placed in a tent in Jerusalem. Later on his son would build a temple to house the tablets of the Ten Commandments in the Holy of Holies. In the vision you saw two candles that honored My Presence in this Ark. Even today you see candles around all of My tabernacles where you honor My Presence in the consecrated Host of My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. This gift of My Eucharist is how I am with you at all times to give you support, and I am with you intimately in Holy Communion. Many of My adorers come to adore and worship Me at My tabernacles, and when I am exposed in the monstrance. My sacraments are a blessing of My graces at all the stages of your life at birth, weddings, and even at death. I have given you My sacrament of Penance to have your sins cleansed, so you can receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. Rejoice in all of My gifts, even as King David danced around the Ark. You have been blessed in faith and My graces, so you are prepared to accomplish your mission by your actions in life. Give thanks to your Creator who has given you your very life to experience My love.”
Jesus said: “My people, Iran is still making threats on shipping in the Persian Gulf, but they have not made any moves yet with their missiles or their submarines. The new oil embargo by the European Union may not affect Iran if they can sell their oil to other nations. If Iran’s economy is seriously threatened, it may cause a showdown between Iran’s navy and the warships from other nations. This could cause a possible war where neither side wants to risk damage to the flow of oil. This tense situation could change very quickly, so the ships on both sides are on high alert. Keep praying that war does not come to this area, which could cause oil shortages and higher prices for oil and gasoline.”
Source: ➥