Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011: (St. Thomas Becket)
Jesus said: “My people, you are truly blessed by My coming to earth when I atoned for all the sins of mankind by My death on the cross. Now, the gates of heaven have been opened to those who believe in Me and follow My Commandments. It is not easy in this life of temptations with your earthly desires to see My Light and live a life of love as I have given you My example to follow. Walk in the Light of My ways which are opposed to the ways of man. Those, who follow the ways of the world in sin, are living in the darkness of the evil that they desire. They cannot stand the Light of My truth which means that they do not want to change their ways of lust and greed for wealth. As St. John says, you cannot be My disciple if you hate your brother and violate My Commandments. You are weak in a nature that is prone to sin, but I give you My forgiveness in Confession so you can cleanse your sins and restore My graces to your soul. Seek to love Me and your neighbor as yourself, and you will find your reward with Me in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how you like to keep your driveway plowed out so you can get your car out for your needs. In the same way I want you to clear the way so I can come into your heart and soul. By inviting Me to come, and by seeking My forgiveness of your sins, you are preparing the way for Me. You have brought your gifts to My crib and I want to share My love with all of you. Strive to keep your soul pure with frequent Confession. Your soul’s appearance is more important to Me than any other physical appearance.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people like to celebrate a Happy New Year, but it is also a feast day of My Blessed Mother. This coming year will hold many surprises, both good and bad. I have told you that the one world people will be initiating a new war soon to take the place of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The news and the media are talking more about a possible intervention into either Syria or Iran. Threats of shutting off oil routes by Iran have brought rebukes from your own leaders. Pray for peace, but be prepared for more serious conflicts.”
Jesus said: “My people, this tunnel is how many souls will come to Me during the Warning experience. I have warned you to be prepared for this event which is like a near death experience in a life review with a mini-judgment at the end. This experience will occur outside of time and outside of your body. Everyone will have this same experience at the same time. Events are leading up to the Antichrist’s coming, and I told you that My Warning would come before his declaration. This spiritual wake-up call will give everyone a chance to convert their lives to Me before the major events start the tribulation. Frequent Confession and daily prayer can prepare you for My Warning.”
Jesus said: “My people, your economy and jobs will be the topics of discussion as your political primaries are about to begin. Your media has focused on putting down each candidate as they rise in the polls. Instead of focusing on individual personal backgrounds, more time should be focused on how to solve your financial problems that have been grid-locked between raising taxes and cutting entitlements. Your people will be voting for the candidates that have the best solutions for your problems.”
Jesus said: “My people, the beginning of the year is a good time to make a spiritual assessment of what is going on in your life right now. You can compare where you are now with a year ago to see if you are getting better, or if you are falling back into some old habits of sin. Try to make some plans in changing your life, but let them be something that you can achieve. These plans should be revisited every month just to see if you are making any progress. If you do not put some effort into making these changes work, then it will be difficult to achieve your goals. Pray for My help in your plans, and even do some fasting and prayer for your success.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have suggested before that you could look at some of your most frequently confessed sins as a place to improve your spiritual life. Sometimes you are dealing with demons that are attached to your addictions or habitual sins. If you desire to be with Me in heaven, you need to not let any particular sin control your life. Addictions to drink, drugs, smoking, lust, overeating, or gambling can be places to clean up your life. Whatever is your most serious sin, should be your primary objective. Work on removing occasions or places that lead you into this sin. Fasting and novenas can help break the demon’s hold on you. By the end of the next year, you can see if you have made any progress. Call on My help when you may be frustrated in your attempts to clean up your life.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people feel most comfortable in praying formal prayers as daily rosaries, the Liturgy of the Hours, or other prayers. Other people want to share informal prayer with Me, especially in front of My Blessed Sacrament. Whatever prayer that you choose, find a way to be persistent with your intentions. Daily prayer brings you closer to Me, and you will have less desire for sin when you are with Me. I know that you are faced with daily temptations, so keep praying to help overcome them. Pray daily for sinners, the souls in purgatory, peace in the world, and for a stoppage to abortion.”
Source: ➥