Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings I gave a parable about the unjust judge who finally gave a proper judgment to a poor widow after she kept begging him. This parable was to emphasize the need for persistent prayer. I know what you need, and I will provide for those who request their needs. Providing life sustaining needs will come as quickly as possible. It is prayer requests for souls to be saved that will take more persistent prayer. I hear all of your prayers, but I usually answer them by what is best for souls. Some souls have a higher price to be saved than others because of their sins, or the demons that are attached to their addictions. Do not give up on any soul but continue in your persistent prayer for that person. It is your prayers that could save many souls. You saw the demons all around you, and you need blessed salt and blessed sacramentals to protect your home and your person from their attacks. Trust in My protection and come to monthly Confession to keep your soul pure and protected from the demons.”
Source: ➥