Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, October 7, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the triumph of My Blessed Mother as she steps on the serpent representing the devil. When I died on the cross, this was My victory over sin and death. When I return in triumph over the Antichrist, you will see in the vision how the devil will suffer the disgrace of being stepped on by My Blessed Mother as he will then be cast into hell. The Antichrist’s reign will be less than 3 ½ years, and My faithful will need to seek My protection at My refuges. My Blessed Mother will protect her children with her mantle, especially those souls who pray her rosary and wear her scapular. The rosary is a powerful weapon against the evil one in praying for sinners and also for the souls in purgatory. Praying for souls to come to heaven is what is needed most for your world. There are many lukewarm souls that will be saved because their family or relatives are praying for them. Keep praying for your own family members to be saved from their sins. You do not want to see any of them lost to hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, the fight to protect life at all stages of development is another part of the battle between good and evil. On one side you have pro-life people who are doing everything to stop abortions, stop euthanasia, and have peace to stop the constant wars. My faithful realize that life is precious, and it is against My Fifth Commandment to kill anyone. On the other side of this battle you have pro-death people who are choosing only to kill. They have fought to have the freedom to kill their children as a right, and almost all countries allow abortion. These people also want the right to terminate older people who have only a short time to live. Again some states allow this killing of the elderly. Wars are more nebulous, but the intent is to kill the soldiers of the other side. Another issue concerns capital punishment with the death sentence. A consistent life ethic should also stop even so-called justified killing as a punishment for murderers. Preserving life for all people should be your goal because everyone should be allowed the opportunity to live. In all levels of government this battle to protect life goes on, and it usually involves conflicts over giving public money to organizations that perform abortions. There is even a battle to elect pro-life candidates over pro-death candidates. Remember that Satan wants to kill man, and he is getting his followers to sponsor this killing in order to reduce the population. I want My faithful to stand up for their Christian beliefs, and defend life at all of its stages. You may even have to go outside of your comfort zone to be truly active in this battle against evil.”
Source: ➥