Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Wednesday, August 31, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, with unusual damage from your latest hurricane, many people lost electricity and phone lines when trees were knocked down. Now your utility line people are replacing these lines with the line on these large spindles in the vision. Once the roads are cleared of debris and rebuilt in some cases, then your people will have their power and phone lines working again. Communications for phone and even the internet will soon be restored. There is another kind of spiritual communication that is also important to keep Me connected to your souls. Prayer is your best form of spiritual connection because I listen to all of your prayers. When you skip your daily prayer and commit mortal sin, you are breaking your communication lines with Me. Fortunately, you can repair these lines with Confession and renewing your daily prayer. I love all of you and you love Me, but a true love relationship requires a two-way conversation. I always love you, so it is you who breaks that line by your bad actions. Make a habit of praying about the same time each day, and you can keep our love lines open.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as the angels are constantly adoring Me at every Mass, so My faithful are like lamp stands that constantly give glory to My Real Presence. My faithful are lights that witness to My Light in the darkness of the world of sin. You are My ambassadors that invite people to come and be converted to faith in Me. When they accept you, they are accepting Me whom you believe in. My faithful have the gift of faith in Me, but you are sharing My love with them. When they come to accept My love, and they love Me, then they will thank you for such a gift to be shared. You are spiritual beings, and all of you are drawn to Me because I am the only One who can give you peace and rest in your souls. Rejoice that your soul is complete in My love and My gifts.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is getting harder to find skilled jobs that require college degrees. Some companies are also having a hard time finding skilled people in the sciences. With jobs hard to find, college students are limited in their courses of choice in order to fit the jobs available. Intern jobs with school and work might make a better fit for what is needed. The cost of college is growing much faster than inflation, so most students need to go to community colleges and state supported schools in order to afford their education. It is getting even harder to find students who can afford to be medical doctors. Even finding students to be priests is also becoming difficult. It is fortunate that you do not need a lot of training to learn your faith in Me, so ask My help in saving your soul. Being with Me in heaven is a better goal than any degrees that you may earn. If you have the ability to obtain college degrees, then you should use your skills to do so. This will help you more in fulfilling your mission. Keep focused on Me in your spiritual life, and I will help you to succeed in your secular life as well. When you put your trust in Me, you will be able to accomplish more than you thought possible.”

Source: ➥