Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011: (Anniversary of dedication of Holy Name)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading how Moses erected a tent in the desert to house the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments. The people could see the cloud of God come down over the tent in the day and fire at night. Later, a temple was built in Jerusalem to hold the Holy of Holies. My people of today have a new tabernacle where now you house My very Presence in the Host. You need to give reverence to Me by genuflecting to My tabernacle when you enter a Catholic church. It is My Presence that makes your churches holy. Every parish needs to strive to keep their churches open. This requires money to support the church and the diocese, so both can be viable. It also means that people need to support the activities of their own church. If the parish is closed, then a place of worshiping with Me is lost and the tabernacle is lost. In a time when people are falling away from their faith, it is even more important to struggle to keep your churches open.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this crossroads because your politicians need to make a decision on your debt limit before this coming deadline that could threaten your credit rating. I realize that there are many cuts that need to be made in your spending before certain programs will run out of money. Your politicians keep putting off the hard decisions because they are worried about being re-elected. Some serious consequences could happen without a compromise decision. Pray that the right decisions will be made in the best interest of your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some countries that are going into foreign fishing banks, and they are over fishing these places. The local fishermen know how to conserve their catches so the fish can reproduce for another year. With others upsetting this delicate balance, the fishing industry is being depleted and fish prices are rising. Fish ponds do not produce very healthy fish for the market. Pray that your fishermen can come to a compromise in controlling their fishing industry.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a hot summer with very little rain. Water comes from wells, aquifers, rivers, lakes, and mountain snow melt. The best source of water is rainwater, but this has been in short supply. Many have learned to pray for rain, and work on avoiding any pollution of your streams. Pray that these droughts will come to an end so rain can refresh your crops before they dry up.”
Jesus said: “My people, your pilgrims were blessed for praying the novena to St. Anne and coming to the Basilica for their pilgrimage. You could see a beautiful procession with My Blessed Sacrament at night as pilgrims carried their lit candles on the hill of the Stations of the Cross. You had many good meetings in sharing your prayers and messages. My grandmother, St. Anne, was pleased with your petitions and your dedication in honoring the Holy Family.”
Jesus said: “My people, there have been many miracles of healing through this huge relic of St. Anne. This was a special gift from Rome to share with Canada. You were privileged to have a close look at this relic, and to place your sacramentals against it. Show your people a picture of this relic, as was requested of you when you return home. Give thanks to God and St. Anne for her role in salvation history.”
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you start out on your pilgrimage, you pray to Me and St. Michael the Archangel for protection in your travel. Your trip up and back to St. Anne de Beaupre was safe and protected. The message on your safety was validated when the wheel came off a car, but nobody was hurt in this accident. It is proper to give thanks for a safe trip. Many of you were joyful in all the events and places that you visited. You also remained faithful to your daily prayers.”
Jesus said: “My people, heaven was watching over you in finding your keys and in finding your way to your destinations. Even help was given to you in choosing your restaurants and times for Mass. Many of you were so touched by your pilgrimage that you are already planning to return next year. In the messages you were promised My abundant graces as a reward for your novena and for making this long trip to St. Anne de Beaupre Basilica in celebration of St. Anne’s feast day.”
Source: ➥