Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011: (End of Novena to St. Anne)
Jesus said: “My people, the false Christ, the beast, the Antichrist will come before Me to try and impersonate Me. Do not be deceived by him and do not look at his eyes because he will be possessed by a demon, and he will declare himself which will start the tribulation time. This will be the time when you will be protected at My refuges. At the end of the tribulation you will see Me come in gold on the clouds. I will bring My Comet of Chastisement which will kill two-thirds of humanity, and it will start the three days of darkness. The evil ones will suffer a living hell on earth with My plagues before they will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the face of the earth, and I will lead My faithful into My Era of Peace. Rejoice, My people, that you have been selected to live at this time of My victory.”
For the priest who asked about how voices will come from the chip into people’s hearing. Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body, even under pain of death. This chip, during the tribulation, cannot be removed, and it truly will control your free will with voices controlling you as a robot. A signal will be sent by satellite or cell tower that will activate the chip in your body, and truly you will hear voices, and you will be controlled as one under hypnosis. Search these capabilities out on the internet to show people that this truly is possible as some have witnessed.”
(Vigil of St. Anne) Jesus said: “My people, freedom and your rights are very special and respected. If you hold them dearly, you will do everything to fight to keep them, as many wars were fought to maintain your freedoms. Religious freedom is also important to maintain against the evils of the devil, and the evils of the one world people who want to steal your rights and force you into their new world order. These evil ones want to take away your sovereignty rights to bring the United States into their North American Union. They will destroy your dollar and replace it with the amero. Even in the spiritual world, you must follow My laws and Commandments. I am the Truth of all knowledge, and if you follow Me, the Truth will set you free. I have come to die for your sins, and My sacrifice has set you free from the bonds of your sins. If the Son of Man has freed you, you will truly be free. Rejoice in your freedoms while you still have them. Pray for My protection and give thanks and praise to your Lord who has died for your souls. My sacrifice has washed your sins from your souls.”
Source: ➥