Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, July 22, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, when My apostles came to see My empty tomb after I resurrected, it was hard for them to understand how I could rise from the dead. So I left many personal encounters behind to prove that My Body had truly returned with My wounds from My crucifixion. I appeared to St. Mary Magdalene when she came to the tomb so she could tell My apostles that I truly had risen. She at first did not recognize Me in My glorified Body until I called her by name. It was this personal encounter that was a gift to her for her faithfulness even to come to My cross. I also visited My disciples on the road to Emmaus and they did not recognize Me either until the breaking of the bread at supper. Then I appeared to My apostles twice in the upper room, and in Galilee. These appearances showed Me eating with My apostles in My human body so they could fully believe in My Resurrection, and be able to spread this teaching of their experience. I told you before that My Resurrection is the greatest sign that I could give to My faithful. Another gift of My Eucharist is how I will be with you until I will return on the clouds.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you that the devil can appear to you as an angel of light, and he can take many other forms as well to entice you into his evil ways. There will be false prophets as the Antichrist to try and make you believe that they are Me returning to the earth. Do not be fooled or deceived by these evil ones who can perform seeming miracles, but they are using the power from the dark side. My true prophets will speak only in My Name and call on Me alone as any source of healing power. I will come on the clouds and there will be no doubt that it will be My miraculous Presence. Rejoice when I will come in victory over the evil ones who will be cast into hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, man’s pride is always leading him into some foolish competition. Some may seek to have the tallest building in the city, while others may seek to have the best stock on the stock market. It is amazing what people will do to make themselves seem to be the smartest, best looking, or richest person in the neighborhood. This pride is one of the seven capital sins, and it may be directing your life more than you think. You should be focusing on how best to serve Me in saving souls, instead of trying to gain fame and recognition by how much money you have accumulated. Do not seek to be recognized by others, but in a quiet manner strive to do good works for people, so you can store up treasure in heaven. As St. Paul said, it is better to boast about Me than to boast about yourself. Ask My grace to overcome your pride, and seek only to do My Will.”
Source: ➥