Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading talks about how the people received the manna in the morning and the quail at night. This Exodus story is a flashback to the unleavened bread that the Jews had at their Passover Meal when they ate this as a food eaten in haste without yeast. The vision of the blood on the lintel and doorposts was the saving blood for the Jews so the angel of death passed over their houses. This connection of the saving blood is a prefigure of My own sacrifice of blood on the cross that has brought salvation to all of mankind. This bread and wine of the Passover Meal is the basis for the Mass and My Eucharist. This manna of the Exodus has now become My very Body and Blood in the Mass at the Consecration. The bread and wine are consecrated into My Body and Blood of My Real Presence. Rejoice that I am feeding My people with My Eucharist at every Mass. Even during the coming tribulation, My angels will be feeding you My heavenly manna every day at all of My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, on that night when I agonized about the cup that I was about to drink, I even shed drops of blood in My sweat. My human side was testing Me, but in the end I submitted My life to the Will of My Father. It was difficult as a man to give up My life, but I had a world to save, and I had to fulfill the Scriptures that prophesied My suffering and death. I am giving you this insight because My people are tested many times by the same conflict between doing things according to man’s ways, or according to My Will. When you accept Me as being Master of your life, this means that you should be obedient to My ways and My laws as you give your will over to Me. Giving up your will so you can allow Me to lead you, takes grace that I am willing to give to everyone. It is only by My help and grace that you can overcome your worldly desires. Be strong as I was strong in accepting My Father’s Will on earth, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, remember when I told you that you should not let anything control you or your time. Many people are sports enthusiasts, whether as a player or as a spectator. Sports are good exercise for the body, and watching sports can be a part of your entertainment. The problem comes when it becomes too much of an obsession, and it takes up a lot of your time when you could be praying to Me instead. Even gambling on sports events can cause problems in your family’s finances. Sports in moderation is acceptable, but do not let it become an idol for you that takes away your prayer time. Some sports organizations have their events on Sunday morning and Saturday night which makes it difficult to even get to Sunday Mass. If you cannot schedule your activities around Mass times, then maybe you are involved in too many sports events for their own sake. If this involves children, then it could even prevent them from getting to Mass also. The Third Commandment asks you to honor Me on Sunday by your worship of Me. At one point you need to decide whether you are going to worship Me, or are you going to worship your sports. Those, who worship sports and are indifferent to Me, are risking the fires of hell.”
Source: ➥