Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, June 10, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked St. Peter three times if he loved Me, and then I said to him: ‘Feed My sheep.’ These three times were in response to the three times that he denied Me. In the Greek account there are different words that are used for love. The first two times I asked him if he loved Me as a friend. The third time I asked him if he loved Me with an agape love as you love God. Since St. Peter was chosen by Me to lead My Church, these professions of faith were to insure his leadership in tending My sheep and feeding My lambs. My people of today can also answer these questions so I know that you are sincere in your love for Me. This is not just a friendship love that I desire, but a personal love of God from deep in your heart. This means that you are ready to give your will over to Me so I can be Master of your life. It also means that you are willing to seek out My forgiveness of your sins in order to gain heaven. I want you to love Me so much that you will do everything for love of Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love you, and how I created mankind to share My love. You are all made in My Image, and you were given free will to love Me by your own choice and not forced by Me. These beautiful flowers in the vision are an example of the beauty of My creation that I also share with you. Adam and Eve fell into sin, and all of mankind has suffered the consequences of sin by death and a weakness to sin. It was to save humanity from their sins that I came to the earth and suffered death by crucifixion. These thorns from the crown of thorns were another form of torment that I had to suffer. When you understand how I freely gave My life to ransom all souls from their sins, then you begin to understand how much I love each of you. My love is unconditional since I love everyone, even those who do not accept Me. Those, who do accept Me as Master, and seek My forgiveness, will receive everlasting life with Me in heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me and refuse to ask My forgiveness of their sins, are on the broad road to hell. I am full love in everything that I do, and My faithful, who have a love relationship with Me, can understand the joy and satisfaction that I give every soul in peace. Keep close to Me, and I will reward you for your prayers and good works.”
Source: ➥