Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading about Philip teaching the Ethiopian eunuch about Me in the Scriptures is a good example of how evangelists can bring people to conversion. Not only did Philip explain the prophesy of Isaiah as referring to My ministry and fulfillment of Scripture, but he also baptized the eunuch into the faith. This is the same ministry for all of My faithful to bring people the knowledge of the faith, and to lead people to the sacraments through the RCIA teaching for converts. I have mentioned before that saving souls is your most important work. In the Gospel of John I continually tell people that they can only have eternal life in heaven through Me. Your own mission not only brings My Word to the people, but you are also led to prepare the people for the coming tribulation. My refuges of protection will be the safe havens for My faithful to stay during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Rejoice that you will see My victory soon over the evil ones, as I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, part of the reason for your high unemployment rate is that your corporations have sent many of your good paying jobs overseas. Many of your corporations cannot compete with cheap foreign labor because many foreign nations do not play with fair rules. China uses slave labor with little or no benefits, and they manipulate their currency to their advantage. Japan sells and manufactures things in other countries, but they do not allow other nations to make products there. Without a strong manufacturing base, America is slowly becoming a third world country. The one world people are slowly destroying America with unnecessary wars, false banking crises, and many other means to destroy your economy. Be prepared to go to your refuges when martial law comes.”
Jesus said: “My people, your natural disasters as tornadoes and excessive rainfall have caused extensive damage and floods all along the Mississippi River. The heavy rains are also keeping farmers from planting their crops. Many crop forecasts are already losing for this year, which puts a strain on available food supplies. Pray that your crops can recover so your economy does not get worse.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your raw materials and transportation are increasing in cost, and now your stores will be forced to pass on this increase. Your economy is improving and there is some room to pay for these increases. Your government has been adding money into circulation which devalues your dollar. Salary increases are not keeping up with expenses, and Social Security has also been stagnant. This pinch on the average person will reduce any family spending beyond necessities. Pray for your people who are having hard times, especially the unemployed.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have many demands placed on you just to survive and help your family members in need. With faith and joy in doing everything for Me, you have a much better attitude in how to deal with life’s trials. Those, who do not rely on Me or on prayer, are carrying twice the burden. When you are stressed, take time to be quiet with Me in prayer and call on My help to deal with your problems. Each family needs to help each other out of love to give support with financial problems. You also need to encourage your family members to come to Sunday Mass and rely on Me in their daily prayer life. Keep close to Me and I will help you in all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, after a long cold winter, it is a joy to see all of the spring flowers dress up your yards and parks. Some may suffer from pollen allergies, but the beauty of My creation will lift up your spirits, much as the Easter Season lifts up your souls. As other people see you every day, it is a smile on your face that can give joy to those around you. By being loving of each other and Me, you can share your love with strangers to uplift their lives. When you complain and are sad, you have a negative effect on others. Try to be uplifting in all that you do so you are adding joy and love to the world instead of adding to life’s problems.”
Jesus said: “My people, every Easter you see many new converts who are brought into the Church. My faithful need to do their part in inviting new people into the Church. Even work on your own family members to try and bring back lukewarm Catholics who are not attending Sunday Mass and are not coming to Confession. Keep praying for these souls who have fallen away, and be a good example to them of how a good Christian should live. This is why it is so important to live your faith to keep spiritually strong and show others that your belief in Me is what should be directing your lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, many times I have told you that you need to slow down the pace of your life so you have time to listen to Me in prayer. If you spend all of your time with noise and excess activities, you leave no room in your life for Me. This is why it is also better to live a simple life without such an emphasis on buying things and trying to do too much each day. By changing your lifestyle to include more prayer time and spiritual reading, you will not have as many fears and anxieties that can control your life. Follow My way of life and I will lead you to eternal life in heaven.”
Source: ➥