Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011: (Mass for Nadia Matunow)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles St. Peter and St. John in the reading were like the loudspeakers in the vision continually proclaiming My death and Resurrection, even though they were in danger of being killed. The Word of the joy of My Resurrection is even trumpeted by the Easter lilies in nature, as well as all the spring flowers that are announcing My revelation of new life. On sunny days you can fully appreciate all the beautiful colors in the flowers of My creation. I announced this faith in new life when I raised Lazarus back to life. (St. John 11:25, 26) ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ In the same way Nadia believed in Me, so she also will have her soul live with Me for all eternity. Then on the last day of judgment, all faithful souls will be resurrected with their glorified bodies. My death and Resurrection is not only a victory over sin and death, but it is My promise of Resurrection for all souls who believe in Me. Rejoice in the full meaning of this glorious Easter Season.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing one natural disaster occurring after the other. You are picking up after some extensive damage from some severe tornadoes. This event came right after the major 9.0 earthquake in Japan. Now, you are seeing continuous brush fires in Texas because they are experiencing the worst droughts that they have seen in many years. Because of considerable rainstorms in the middle of America, you are now seeing some severe flooding along the Mississippi River where they had to open some levees to divert more flooding from down the river. Pray that these disasters will stop so the farmers can plant their crops.”
Jesus said: “My people, one miracle has come forth to help Bl. John Paul II in his beatification that was just recently carried out by Pope Benedict XVI. If more miracles can be verified, he will be pushed along on his way to sainthood. The Church takes its time to verify any such miracles. Many people pray to Bl. John Paul II for help and he is loved by many.”
Jesus said: “My people, the political campaign for your next Presidential election is already starting for both Democrats and Republicans. Many are making criticisms of some candidates over where they were born. This issue of birth certificates and the reported killing of Osauma Bin Laden has filled your media reports with many stories. It is hard to determine the truth of these events because your media is censored and full of much disinformation. The one world people will use whatever is available to further their goal of a one world government. Worldly politics will continue to be controlled, so pray for discernment in finding the truth behind the daily reporting.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in several messages how My Church will again face a division between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. I will always protect My Church from the gates of hell. The schismatic church will be teaching New Age principles which are really a pagan worship of earthly things. Guard your souls by praying for discernment if your own local church is following New Age ways. If you find such New Age infiltration, try to get rid of it or leave for a faithful church.”
Jesus said: “My people, many have falsely believed that everyone who dies will go to heaven. This is reserved for true saints or those who have suffered their purgatory on earth. Of those who do not go to hell, many require some amount of purification in purgatory. This is why it is very important to have Masses and prayers offered up for the deceased in order to help their release from purgatory. Masses and prayers for the deceased are the most valuable thing that you could do for these souls, and not just a donation to some charity.”
Jesus said: “My people, it would be valuable for every soul alive today to learn more about how the forces of good are battling the forces of evil. If you do not recognize evil in abortions, pornography, and many New Age occult practices, then it will be difficult to root them out of your lives and your churches. Reiki, Yoga, and other means of transcendental meditation are bringing curious souls into occult practices. Ouija boards, tarot cards, psychic readings, and Harry Potter movies and books are more subtle means of misleading people into evil practices. Use holy water, blessed salt, rosaries, scapulars, and blessed medals and Benedictine Crosses to protect yourself from demonic activity. Call on My Name if you are attacked by evil, and keep close to Me in My sacraments.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you did some self-denial and fasting to help improve your spiritual lives. Now that you are in the Easter Season, do not let your guard down when it comes to your prayer life. You need to pray and fast throughout the year in order to restrain your body from sin, and keep your soul strong against the devil’s temptations.”
Source: ➥