Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, your personal morning preparations may vary from person to person as some people are more particular about their physical appearance than others. I pray that My people should be as particular about their spiritual appearance in front of Me. When you awake in the morning, you should think to say your morning offering prayers first. I have to look at many souls which are darkened by much sin. You spend some time before a mirror in preparing your physical appearance. I wish everyone had a spiritual mirror to look at the spiritual appearance of one’s soul. This takes some meditation time to review your past sins. Make more of an effort to see the need for frequent Confession at least monthly. Once you take time to have your sins cleansed, then you will have a nice pure soul that is more pleasing for Me to look at. If you had to look at all the sinful souls that I see every day, you would understand why your spiritual appearance needs a lot more attention than your physical appearance.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, just as I had to suffer and die on the cross, so all of My faithful have to suffer their Good Friday before they can be resurrected. Everyone has to suffer the trials of this life with sickness, the stress of working, and eventually you are called to die. You will be separated from your body, but your soul lives on forever. It is your goal to follow My Will and My mission for you on earth. By doing so out of love for Me, you will have My promise of being united with your body in heaven after the final judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have had some cold weather that has delayed your spring flowers. When you see all the beautiful flowers on the altar, it lifts your spirit as you are celebrating the Easter Season. These flowers are a sign to you of new life, which is also a blessing to celebrate any spiritual renewal that you had from your Lenten devotions and fasting. Some self-denial of the body is good for the soul in controlling the desires of the body. Continue to work on any sinful habits that need rooting out of your life.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have read accounts of many of My miracles that were signs of My Divinity. The most significant miracle is when I arose from the dead and I was victorious over sin and death. My apostles witnessed many miracles of My appearances, and they realized that I had a real body with My wounds. This gift of healing miracles was also granted to My apostles who healed the lame man and others. Even today there are faithful who are granted healing gifts. The most important thing to remember in healing people is that all healing comes through My Name.”
Jesus said: “My people, believing in My death and Resurrection is one of your basic beliefs in Me, and this makes you a part of My Easter people. With the joy of My Presence with you in My Blessed Sacrament, you are enabled with My grace to share your faith in evangelizing souls. Not only are you called to assist people with their earthly needs, but also you need to be concerned for their spiritual needs as well. Saving souls from hell should be your most important task.”
Jesus said: “My people, you could see the destructive tornadoes destroying everything in their path. It is unfortunate that so many died from these storms, in addition to the homes that were ruined. Many aid groups and financial aid will be needed to clean up the debris and rebuild the homes for people to live in. Some can send donations, water, and food for immediate aid. Pray for these survivors so they can get back to where they were.”
Jesus said: “My people, even when you are tested with these natural disasters, you see many neighbors reaching out to help each other. It is the charity in your hearts that comes forth to do what you can to assist the many homeless people. It is this love of neighbor that will be needed for these people to be enabled to move forward with the rest of their lives. You all have basic needs, so you realize what these people need right away. By showing your charity to help your neighbors, you will receive My graces as your reward. When you help your neighbor, you are helping Me in them out of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, the graces received on Divine Mercy Sunday are meant to remove all reparation due for your sins. There are Divine Mercy prayers and Confession that are required for this grace. Take advantage of My Divine Mercy that St. Faustina has taught you about My image. Remember your three o’clock prayers throughout the year as well. Call on My mercy to help you in confessing your sins, and to help other souls in their conversions.”
Source: ➥