Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, March 25, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011: (Annunciation)
Mary said: My dear children, I am happy that all of you could come to share in my feast day with my Son in the Mass. In every way I bring you to my Son through my intercession. Our two hearts are always united, and we want to be united with your hearts as well. When the Angel Gabriel came to ask me to accept being the Mother of God, I knew that I was prepared for that moment. I was happy to say ‘Yes’ and give my fiat answer to follow God’s Will in everything. You know that I lived a life without sin, but it was only by the power of God and by uniting my will with His Will. I love all of my children and I put my mantle of protection over all of you. Call on me in your petitions and I will give them to my Son. I told the servants in Cana to do whatever He tells you. I never forced my Son to do anything, but I always gave Him the needs of the people. Even as I have given my will over to God’s Divine Will, I give this as an example to my children. When you give your will over to God’s Will, you are accepting His mission for you, even if He tests you beyond your comfort zone. Do not worry because my Son will never test you beyond your endurance, and He will give you the grace needed to carry out your mission. So say ‘Yes’ to Jesus in everything that He asks you to do.”
Jesus said: “My people of this church, I am grateful for your many Lenten devotions and honoring My Blessed Mother. Your Stations of the Cross were very heart-felt, as were your rosaries in your candlelight procession. When I am in your presence in My Blessed Sacrament during Adoration, I can look into each heart as I hear your individual intentions. All of your prayers are heard, and I will answer them in due time. When you are formulating your intentions, focus your prayers on intentions that will best help souls. The things of this world are passing away, but your souls will live on forever. I hear your prayers for souls that are in most danger of being lost because saving souls should be your most important concern as well. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, and you will be on the narrow road to heaven.”
Source: ➥