Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011: (St. (Brother) Andre Besset)
Jesus said: “My people, your weather patterns have been changing possibly due to several HAARP machines around the world. You have seen flooding in California and Europe. Now, you are seeing reports of flooding in China and Australia. This increase in natural disasters is also linked with some severe earthquakes and volcanoes as well. Other strange phenomena are seen with birds and fish dying in large numbers, as well as bees dying off in large numbers. Some of the disorientation of these insects and other animals could be attributed to cell phones and HAARP machines that use microwaves and electromagnetic radiation. As man interferes more with My natural balance of things, even the weather is reacting to your manipulations. Pray that those who are carrying out these bad deeds will change their ways, or I will have to intervene sooner than I had planned.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been celebrating My birth during this Christmas season. You have seen the accounts of the shepherds and the Wise Men who came to the celebration of My Epiphany. This season will soon conclude with St. John the Baptist baptizing Me in the Jordan River. Even now you may be putting away your Christmas decorations and My Nativity Scene. I remind you that you can pray to your Infant King all year round by placing a Nativity scene at your altar in your prayer room at home.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing comments on the New Mass translation that will be introduced later in this year. Thank you for looking up on the internet the comparison words of your present Mass words with the New Mass words to be used. For some of My older faithful this will be a return to some familiar words from the old Latin Mass. Some others may not be comfortable with these new words, but this is a compromise for those who want to keep the old translation. Pray for a peaceful transition as you have greeted previous changes.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages on the coming Division in My Church that will separate different elements of My Church. You will see a division between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will follow New Age principles and declare that sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. My faithful remnant will follow the teachings given by My apostles. This will then follow into a religious persecution that will close all churches, and My faithful will need to seek protection at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading of the Gospel, you saw Me reading from Isaiah how the Messiah would come healing the blind and freeing captives. I told the people in Nazareth that today this prophesy was fulfilled in their hearing. They supported Me at first until they realized that I was declaring Myself as the Messiah. At this they tried to kill Me. Also on Palm Sunday many cheered My entry into Jerusalem. Later, they criticized Me for blasphemy when I declared Myself the Son of God. For this they crucified Me, but it was My plan to save My people by My death on the cross.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been to many Baptisms of infants and you believe they are cleansed of original sin. This is one of the first of My sacraments that was instituted. By one man in Adam, all of mankind were shut out of heaven, and once they died, they went to the place of the dead. Then by one God-man in Me all of your sins were ransomed by My sacrifice on the cross. This event of My saving sacrifice is repeated every day at Mass. Be grateful that all original sin is forgiven at your Baptism. You also are cleansed of your actual sins through My sacrament of Penance so you can have pure souls throughout your life.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many sports fans who come to these huge stadiums to see their favorite teams play for various titles. I am reminding you of several messages that I have given you concerning how the Antichrist will use these same very stadiums for his purposes of controlling people and getting them to worship him. If you see the Antichrist at stadiums or as he is declared, avoid looking at his eyes or listening to his words. It is at that time when you need to seek My refuges so his workers cannot kill you in his death camps. Be thankful that you are being warned about this evil one who is claiming to be Me. You know that you will have false christs on the earth before I return.”
Source: ➥