Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011: (Epiphany)
Jesus said: “My people, this blossoming flower in the vision later gave birth to its fruit. This first Epiphany or manifestation was the fruit of the womb of My Blessed Mother as you pray in the ‘Hail Mary’. My birth was the manifestation of My Incarnation as a man. Now you have the Wise Men giving Me gifts fit for a king with the gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This Epiphany later paralleled another transformation when I resurrected into My glorified Body. I died for all of mankind’s sins, and My Resurrection is a promise to all who are faithful to Me that they will also one day be resurrected after the last judgment. This gives hope to every soul on earth that this life is passing away, and My faithful will be living a new life when they get transformed. There was another Epiphany scene when My three apostles witnessed My Transfiguration into My glorified Body in the presence of Moses and Elijah. Throughout people’s lives you go through your own moments of epiphany when you are baptized and when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Rejoice that I have shared Myself with all of you in My sacraments.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several snowstorms, and then during the next warm spell, the snow melts away. You see many ebbs and tides in various natural events as I direct them. In your spiritual lives you see similar things when your sins build up over time. Then when you are moved to go to Confession, your sins are cleansed away with My forgiveness. The snow building up in the cold is like some people who have icy hearts of selfishness. Then My love comes into that heart with prayer and Confession, and that heart melts into My warm love. I am Love and I call all of you to accept Me into your hearts so I can dwell within you. By keeping My love in your heart, then you can share your love with others and melt other icy hearts.”
Source: ➥