Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother had been prepared for many years to be the sinless virgin who would bring Me into the world. Truly she was ‘Blessed’ among all women to fulfill this task for all humanity to carry Me in her womb for nine months. My Blessed Mother always did My Will, and this question of St. Gabriel was her fitting time to give her fiat ‘yes’ to be My mother through the overshadowing by the Holy Spirit. This was the first human step of My redemption of mankind when I became impregnated in My Blessed Mother. This is why My Blessed Mother was an integral part in man’s redemption through My Incarnation as a man to later die for mankind’s sins. You are about to celebrate My birth at Christmas, but many preparations had to occur before this event could take place. Give thanks to Me and to all of those who were a part of My plan of salvation for mankind.”
Jesus said: “My people, your freedoms in America are being lost every day. All of your remaining freedoms will need defending to keep them from being taken away. Even with your change in the Congress, many good laws may not get passed over your President’s veto. You will see increasing regulation coming from the Executive branch that is taking powers away from your Congress and your states. Once your freedoms are taken away as with the North American Union, then My faithful will need to go to My refuges for protection from being killed by the one world people. Enjoy the few freedoms that you have now, because you will see more and more dictatorial power forced on your people. Pray that most of you can get to My refuges before being martyred.”
Source: ➥