Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones will be getting worse in the authorities, and the religious persecution will spread to public closing of churches, or they may be destroyed by fire. This is another reason for Masses in the homes until it is time to go to My refuges. Your prayer groups would be good places to meet, but you may have to be secret about where and when to meet. This is why it would be the right time to start going to a prayer group, or forming your own prayer group. You can see how Christians are being persecuted already in the media, and this will only get worse, just as Hitler persecuted the Jews. It will be harder for Christians to hold jobs, buy food, homes, or anything else. When the authorities mandate chips in the body, or start killing Christians, then it will be time to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your terrorist attacks have occurred around Christian holy days. This vision of a terrorist group is how they are plotting to blow up some crucial power stations that could cripple your electric grid in the middle of winter. Power outages are difficult to recover from, but people are more vulnerable for heating their homes, and finding food during the winter. Important grid locations should have cameras and alert security so you can prevent situations that would cause long power outages. Storms and heavy snow cause enough outages, but sabotage should be a little easier to prevent. This is another reason to have some extra food on hand with another source of heating your house as well. Being prepared for times when you are most vulnerable is the best insurance when bad things happen. Preparing your soul with frequent Confession is another insurance when I will call you home.”
Source: ➥