Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel shows how much I was impressed by even a Roman centurion’s faith in Me. He recognized that I had the power to heal his sick servant, but even from a distance without coming into his home. He knew that it would defile a Jew to come into his home, so he gave the famous quote that you say before Communion: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed.’ This was an act of faith for the centurion, but when you repeat this saying, you are making your own act of faith in the healing power of My Eucharist. The consecrated Host is My Real Presence. So literally you are taking Me into the roof of your mouth. Because you are receiving Me in faith, it would be reverent to bow or genuflect to receive Me on your tongue. Faith in Me is a gift, and few believe in My Real Presence because they are not taught, or they have a difficulty in believing that I could truly be present in the Host. This requires faith to believe in the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine that are transformed into My own Body and Blood at the Consecration. The centurion believed in My miracles of healing, but My faithful are asked to believe in My miracle of being fully present in the consecrated Bread in all the tabernacles of the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is bad enough to see terrorist acts on adults, but it is even worse to see attacks on young children. You have seen sexual predators prey on teenagers both at night and even through the internet. Terrorists do not care who they kill, whether people are young children, teenagers, or adults. You are seeing some terrorists recruiting teenagers and women for their cause because people would be less suspicious of them to make terrorist attacks. If you see some suspicious activity, you need to be watchful because terrorism could come from anyone at any age, or from any gender. Much of this activity is directed by Muslim extremists which is why they seek out others to do their acts of terrorism. It is hard to understand why they want to persecute Christians, but for some of them it is a part of their Islamic beliefs that drive them to kill the infidels, or those outside of their faith. There are not many serious incidents in America, but terrorist activity is spread throughout the world. Pray that your security could stop these plans before they start. Over time this persecution will worsen, so be prepared to go to My refuges when I warn you that it is time.”
Source: ➥