Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010: (St. Simon & St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, this hole in the vision that grew deeper and deeper, refers to America’s problems both physically and spiritually. You are digging a deeper hole in financial debts with your rapidly expanding deficits which are also challenging the value of your dollar currency. A deeper hole in debt threatens not only your current standard of living, but it even threatens the future of your children who will be paying the interest on the higher National Debt. If these debts get much worse, there is a chance of bankruptcy of America, and a disruption of your whole money system. Spiritually, you are also digging a deeper hole where your sins are outweighing the prayers and good works being done by your people. Corruption in your government and business world has been driven by greed and the desire for power by the one world people to take over your country and turn you into their slaves. My justice will be bringing My punishment upon your nation, just as Israel was exiled for worshiping other gods. Unless your people repent and change their lives for the better, America will bring its own ruin upon itself.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your flowers and vegetables have had an even longer growing season without having a frost. The changing leaves and mums are still adding color to your landscape before winter descends on you. When you have the bright sunshine on your changing leaves, the colors are bright and vivid as well. You have captured some fall beauty in your pictures. Thank you for those who dress the altar to give Me glory from the beauty of My creation.”
Jesus said: “My people, some will be happy when all the signs and ads stop after your coming election is over. Some have been encouraging the voters to change the current socialist government that is being forced on you from the current administration. Some politicians predict a change in the seats of your Congress, but the vote still has to be counted. Every election year is an opportunity to change your country’s direction to a better position on the moral laws of your government. Your abortion laws need to stop abortions, and your death culture needs to be changed. Pray for the candidates who are morally right to lead your country. Your people need to do their civil responsibility to get out and vote for the right candidates.”
Jesus said: “My people, if your voters do not stand up to the current left leaning Congress, then socialism will take away your remaining rights. Fight for your Constitutional rights, or you could even see your sovereignty rights taken away when you could be forced to accept the North American Union. Vote for those candidates who will rein in your deficit spending so your budget could become balanced.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Congress people in office are afraid to run on their voting record when it is exposed, which is why they do not want to debate the true issues. Instead, they have focused on negative ads in great quantity hoping to put the ‘Tea Party’ opposition in any bad light they can. They even produce false stories in their favor because the media is very liberal in its portrayal of news events. See through these made up stories and the censored news that you have to tolerate every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, because of your media blackout on the important issues of your government, you are not finding out how corrupt and even ruthless your Congress is in forcing legislation on you that is not even read or examined. These bills being pushed through are against your freedoms, and that is why these corrupt politicians do not want you to know what is said in the hidden lines of their bills. Pray again for your voters to root out this leftist corruption that is stealing away your Constitutional rights.”
Jesus said: “My people, All Souls’ Day should be a day of obligation for all Catholics to come to Mass. The less you abide by My Church laws on days of obligation, the harder it will be to have My faithful follow other Church laws. There are only a handful of such Holy days celebrated for the whole year. It is also fitting that you honor all the saints who have struggled through trials and sufferings to gain their crowns in heaven. Pray for the souls in purgatory and pray to My saints as intercessors for your petitions.”
Jesus said: “My people, as the leaves fall from your trees, they are littered all over your lawn which makes it look untidy. When you rake up the leaves, your lawn looks cleansed just as when you come to Confession and your sins are cleansed from your souls. Even at times you may feel like you are evangelizing souls as you rake your leaves and bag them. Reach out to all souls so you can help them to avoid going to hell. You would much rather see souls being taken up to heaven than burning in the flames of hell.”
Source: ➥