Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010: (St. Sharbel Makhliuf)
Jesus said: “My people, there is a natural attraction between men and women that I have instilled in everyone for the purpose of having children. But once a man and a woman get married, there is still a desire at times for the opposite sexes. This can become an occasion of sin for those who are married to desire another. This is why affairs have ruined many marriages and have resulted in divorce over fornication and adultery. Even a whole industry has been created in pornography to satisfy even men or women in their fantasies. These passions of the body need to be restrained from sinful behavior. More souls go to hell for the sins of the flesh than any other sins. You have seen many famous people in sports, politics, and the movies who have need of curing these habitual sins of the flesh. These affairs are also linked many times to abortions to cover up these sins. There are also many sins of birth control devices and sterilizations that are rampant among married people. There are so many attacks against the family that the majority of households are either single parents or those living together in sin without marriage. This is a serious problem in your society because your people are so promiscuous and have been influenced by pornography, bad movies, and TV programs. My people need to guard their eyes on their sexual desires and obey My Commandments in these areas. Pray for strength to overcome your bodily weaknesses.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you to have some extra fuel for the winter for both at your homes and for those preparing refuges. This is most needed in the Northern climates where it is colder. Even two sources of fuel as wood, kerosene, natural gas, or propane would be helpful. Fuels are not only good for heating, but they can be used for lights in lamps, and for cooking. When you have power outages or if the natural gas is controlled, then you could still keep warm. This means that you need a wood burning stove, a kerosene burner, or a gas heater. When you are at home or at a refuge, you want to be as independent as you can be with extra food, fuel and water. When you are in need of protection, I will multiply whatever you need to survive. Pray for My help during these end days so My angels can protect you and lead you to My refuges.”
Source: ➥