Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I am a God of love and mercy as you know, but I am also a God of justice. You know how much I want you to love Me and love your neighbor as yourself. I also desire you to obey My Commandments of love as a direction for your life. You are all My creations as you all have a mission that I give to each of you. You cannot accomplish your mission unless you give your complete will over to My Will. You are placed here on earth to know, love, and serve Me. You see all the plants and animals that are in obedience to My ways. I have made man into My own Image in that I have given you free will to choose to love Me or not. I know you are weak by Adam’s sin, but I give you My sacraments to give you strength against committing sin that offends Me. At the end of this life, you will face My judgment of your actions. Those, who are faithful to Me, have nothing to fear. You may suffer some purification with fire in purgatory, but one day you will be with Me in the glory of heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me and refuse to obey My Commandments, are calling on My justice and these souls could suffer the flames of hell for all eternity. These souls will never see My face again, and their torments will never end. As you see these souls suffering in the flames of hell, let this be a lesson to you so you will be led to save as many souls as possible from this fate. Pray for all sinners and all the souls suffering in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can ask any of My saintly people to be an intercessor for your family’s intentions. I hear all of your prayers through any intercessor that you choose. Many times there are serious sicknesses in your family, and you can turn to Me and My intercessors for healing. You could even pray for your own discomforts to be healed. Some healings require more prayers than others. When you pray for a healing, pray for both a spiritual conversion and a physical healing. Where there is a spiritual conversion required, it is more difficult to change someone’s free will. You know that I do not force anything on your free will. In order for people to be converted, it must be their own choice to truly love Me. This is why you need to keep praying for your relatives that My Most Precious Blood can be poured over them to change their hearts so they can be predisposed to My love. By your persistent prayer, your family can be saved.”
Source: ➥