Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, My love is overflowing as in the vision where you are seeing how I bless you with My Body and Blood. My saving Blood flows over everyone. It is you who need to believe in My Real Presence and receive Me in Holy Communion without mortal sin. My disciples had difficulty in understanding how I could give them My Body to eat and My Blood to drink. When the priest consecrates the bread and wine, I transubstantiate these physical species into My true Body and Blood. The physical appearance remains, but it is My Real Presence just the same. Even though this Real Presence must be believed in faith, it is how I am always present with you in My Blessed Sacrament. Just as it was difficult for My followers to believe in My Real Presence then, even today it is also difficult for some to believe in this truth. But this is why I ask you to visit Me in My tabernacle so you can praise and adore Me as I talk to your heart. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I come into your heart and soul and you can share a few moments intimately with Me in My love. I am your daily Bread and he who eats My Body under the appearance of bread, and drinks My Blood under the appearance of wine, will receive eternal life. Even angels cannot receive Me, but you are allowed to receive Me in Holy Communion. This gift of Myself to you is the greatest gift that I can share with you. When you receive Me, you also receive God the Father and God the Holy Spirit as well. Rejoice in My Eucharist because you receive My grace which cures all of the damage done by your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see this concrete building cracking and disintegrating, this represents the faith of some people that is becoming lukewarm. Unless you feed and nourish your faith, it will begin withering away without daily prayer. Pray for all sinners so they can stay strong in their faith. If you become spiritually lazy, then you will stop going to Sunday Mass and forget your prayers. Your faith has to be vibrant and spiritually inspired, or the evil one will lead you astray with worldly distractions.”
Source: ➥