Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, some people have to see things for themselves to believe something. Even My apostles did not at first want to believe the women at the tomb or the disciples on the road to Emmaus that I had resurrected. So when St. Thomas did not see Me the first time, this human need to examine My appearance was still causing his doubt. Once I appeared when St. Thomas was there, this is why I wanted him to feel My wounds so he could see that I was flesh and blood. Then I emphasized it to St. Thomas to believe in My Resurrection and take away his doubt. This account in the Scriptures is also more proof to any non-believers that truly I died and was resurrected from the dead. This victory over sin and death should be the core of your faith to believe in My words that I truly am the Son of God incarnated as a man. I said to My apostles: ‘You have believed because you have seen Me, but blessed are those who have not seen Me, and yet they still believe that I was resurrected.’ This is why it is important for My faithful to evangelize souls, so others can hear and believe in Me, and they can have eternal life in heaven and be saved from hell.”
(Divine Mercy Sunday) Jesus said: “My people, you have prepared for this day of Mercy Sunday by your Novena of prayers, your Divine Mercy chaplet at 3:00 p.m., your Confession, and your Mass and Holy Communion. By following this instruction of St. Faustina, you can have the reparation due for your sins forgiven and My mercy free you of this burden. Look upon My Divine Mercy Image as you pray your chaplet and My graces and mercy will fall upon you. This vision of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance is another source of My graces and My mercy as the rays are shining forth from My consecrated Host. My gift of My Real Presence is a comfort to My people wherever you visit Me in Adoration either in My monstrance or in My tabernacle. Rejoice in My Easter celebration and in giving Me praise and glory in My Eucharist.”
Source: ➥