Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, today’s first readings from Moses directs your attention to ‘Choose Life’ with God instead of the world. I have told you before that every action is either a choice for Me or for yourself. This choice of Moses is a life commitment which means that you want to be focused on Me down the narrow road to heaven, rather than following the devil down the broad road to hell. When you get to your judgment, there will be no excuses as you will be the only one to blame for your sins. I love all of My people and I will have mercy on your souls, but still there will be an accounting for all of your actions. As you are starting Lent and you still have not decided on what extra penances that you would like to perform, now would be a good time to think about what you could do. Just as I went off into the mountains to pray, taking some extra time for prayer is always gratifying for your soul. Your life is a faith walk full of opportunities for graces in correcting your own life, and helping to evangelize others in their spiritual lives. The more souls, that you can bring to heaven, are the more souls that are saved from going to hell. Saving souls is one of your most important goals in life, and your reward in heaven will be great.”
Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My people, your Federal government and State governments are spending money way beyond reason, as if your economy was fully financed. In your home budgets when your income is less, you are forced to spend less to avoid bankruptcy. Unfortunately, your governments are spending more instead of less. Your recession is still having effects on your economy, and your unemployment rate is still high, which is why less taxes are being collected. Your elected officials are afraid to reduce spending and raise taxes because it is an election year. If nothing is done, your country and your states will go bankrupt. Already Social Security and your health programs are spending more than what is being collected for that purpose. Pray that your Congress people will make the right choices before everything collapses under the weight of your overextended debts.”
Jesus said: “My people, this latest destruction of a government building fortunately did not result in a lot of deaths. Some people are going over the edge of reality in expressing their frustrations with the latest job situation and poor economy. Many of your jobs have been taken overseas and will not return. Other cheap labor is being brought into your country. It is the rich and heads of corporations who are to blame for seeking cheap labor at the expense of your own workers, yet they are charging the same high prices for their products. If your people cannot stop this flood of jobs out of America, very few will be employed. It is your corporations who are running your governments and stripping your people of living wages and jobs. Pray for more justice in this employment problem, or you soon will be taken over by the one world people.”
Jesus said: “My people, your church laws have been relaxed considerably in respect to mandatory fasting. In older days you were supposed to fast between meals, but now some still fast on their own as part of their Lenten devotions. I have mentioned before that prayer with fasting is more powerful toward your intentions than just prayer alone. Offer up all of your prayers and fasting to Me for the benefit of souls who need to be saved from their sins. See the value of daily prayer which could be carried on all year long. Some even attend daily Mass during Lent which also gives you more graces. Be faithful to your chosen Lenten penances.”
Jesus said: “My people, your leaders are carrying on their own agenda without any hearing from the rejection of your people. Certain politicians have been voted out of office for going against the people’s wishes. Some talk of change, but their actions have been the opposite of what they said they would do. There is a sense of reversal in your previous voting that is showing an independent feeling that is against the two parties in power. If America does not take back control from your corporations and special interests, then you will soon be taken over.”
Jesus said: “My people, your world is becoming more evil with every year. As you see the tribulation coming, there will be more open persecution of Christians. You are honoring how I suffered at the hands of men when they scourged Me and crucified Me. Many of My faithful will be suffering also at the hands of the one world people. But I will protect My faithful at My refuges for those who follow My instructions promptly. Keep your souls pure with Confession and hold Me close to your heart as you seek to follow My laws.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for your prayers tonight as you honor Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. During Lent you are thinking more of praying the Stations of the Cross and being more fervent in your prayers. One thing I would ask is that you sincerely carry out your penances for love of Me and your neighbor, and not just to go through the motions for show. Many start with the ashes and good intentions, but within a short time they have forgotten why they were doing these devotions. Focus on being true to Me and true to your initial fervor, and you could profit spiritually from your efforts.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of your older traditions have changed in your churches during Lent. There still are Stations of the Cross, soup suppers, and other Penance services, but some outward signs, as your coverings, are not always giving you the sense of Lent as you knew it. You have more liberties now in doing your own devotions, so use your opportunities to grow in your faith with special spiritual readings, retreats, and daily Mass to help you. The more you put into your Lenten devotions, the more you will benefit in My graces for you.”
Source: ➥