Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of My many healings and how crowds of people were always seeking to find Me so they could be healed and listen to My sermons. Because of My notoriety I had to seek places in the mountains and outside of town for rest, prayer, and quiet time with My Father. This need for rest was My human side, and all of you need rest at times as well. Even more than physical rest, you also need to be fed spiritually when you receive Me in Holy Communion and when you come to Me in your daily prayer time. It is difficult to keep busy all of the time, so it is important that you make some quiet time for Me every day. This is when I can console you in any of your troubles, and give you encouragement to carry on with your mission. Just as your body needs sleep to get your strength back, so even your soul needs to rest in My peace so you are ready for your next battle against the evil one’s temptations. It is by My grace from My sacraments that you will have the spiritual stamina to remain faithful to My mission and My Commandments.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your modern technology from the satellites can show exactly the status of the destruction in Haiti. You could even see the military’s presence that was working to bring aid and clear the roads for distribution of food and water. Many are working to free as many as possible from the concrete rubble that has buried and killed thousands. Pray for these people and help them with your donations. You will gain treasure in heaven for all of your charity.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you look on all of the death and destruction from the earthquake in Haiti, you should wonder why man would cause even more destruction with your constant wars. Not only is property damaged in war, it is also the senseless killing that goes on, even when civilians are being killed. Pray for peace to stop your killings and your hostilities in these wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of bank bailouts and stimulus spending, but you still have 10% unemployment and the banks are still reluctant to loan money to small businesses that create the most jobs. Your foreclosures and job losses continue because the government has difficulty in creating jobs. Pray for your economy to turn around so employment can be restored to many of the unemployed.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is still not clear what parts of your House and Senate Health bills that will come forth out of a Conference bill. Many interest groups are lobbying for their supporters in trying to gain some benefits. With the Democrats in control, they will put forth their own agenda without any input from other parties. It will only be once the bill is forced through that you will find out its details.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people trying to predict when My Warning would occur, but these dates, that are spoken of, are fruitless because I told you that no one would know the actual date of the Warning. The Warning will be My mercy on sinners to prepare them for the tribulation. Therefore it needs to come before My call to go to the refuges, and definitely before the Antichrist comes to power. Call on My help so you can go to frequent Confession and have pure souls before the Warning. With pure souls you will not experience what hell would be like after receiving your judgment in the Warning experience.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am directing certain souls to set up final and interim refuges where My people can be protected throughout the tribulation. When I warn you to leave your homes for My refuges, call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you with a physical flame to your nearest refuge. These places will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground where Adoration of My Host has been going on for many years, monasteries that are faithful to Me, and caves. Have no fear because My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many pulled to safety, even as others were saved from other disasters. It is one thing to have your physical life saved, but it is another thing to be pulled to spiritual safety in saving your soul from hell because of sin. Even though you may be living a sinful life, it is not too late to send out a distress signal to Me to bring you back into My good graces. Desiring to be saved is your first step, and acting on this desire could indeed save your spiritual life. My faithful need to be looking constantly for lost souls who need to be invited to conversion or re-conversion to a Christian way of life. Some are lukewarm and need encouragement to get back to Sunday Mass and repentance for their sins. When you reach out to these souls, think of pulling them out from the rubble of sin as people are saved physically.”
Source: ➥