Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from St. John, he speaks of those people who are following worldly ways, and these people cannot truly believe in Me. You can only follow one master, and you cannot love God and money. You will either love one or hate the other. Your reward in heaven for all eternity is a large incentive to love Me over the world. The world is quickly passing away and this life is not very long. It is better to desire My eternal love than suffer eternity in the flames of hell. Worldly comforts and pleasures are very temporary and the devil will gladly give you anything in exchange for your soul. Your soul is your most prized possession, so guard it carefully from the devil’s sin and you will be safe with me. To follow Me it would be best to keep saying your daily prayers, repent of your sins, and accept Me as Master of your life. When you love Me in My sacraments, you can even have a taste of heaven on earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, you all are joyful in this Octave of Christmas and you are about to share a Happy New Year of the Lord. These holy days lift up your spirits in the middle of a dark winter. You are always grateful to see the days get longer, which goes well with My dispersing the darkness of sin. I am happy to see your prayer group take time in prayer to give Me praise for all that I do for you. I have heard all of your petitions and your prayers for those with health problems.”
Jesus said: “My people, prayer and My sacraments keep you united with My Blessed Mother and Me. You are always comforted as you pray together, because I hold you all in My arms. When you are close to Me, you can trust in My help in any of your troubles. I am always grateful to see My prayer warriors come together in your meetings. You give support to each other, and you have My graces bestowed upon you. Continue to come to your prayer groups because your world is in great need of prayer.”
Jesus said: “My people, remember when I was criticized for going to Matthew’s house for being with sinners. My answer was that the sick are those who need a doctor and not the self-righteous. I am the great Healer both for your physical infirmities as well as your spiritual sicknesses of sin. Many times I healed a person’s soul of their sins before I healed their physical problems. In this way I was healing the whole person, both body and soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some who make New Year’s resolutions to do better in their lives. This is a good time to make an examination of your life over the last year to see if you are getting better in your faith life, or whether you have fallen back into some old habits of sin. Make a point to see what ways you could improve not only your physical life, but your spiritual life as well. Once you have made some plans for improvement, then write them down so you can remind yourself of your new commitment during the months of the year. It is by improving your holiness that you can be on the right path to perfection and sainthood.”
Jesus said: “My people, this could be a good practice for you to keep a crucifix in every room of your house so you could remember My sacrifice at all times. By staying focused on Me, you can take up your own cross of suffering and walk with Me as I suffered walking to Calvary. Suffering can be a means for your salvation, or helping others with your redemptive suffering. Do not waste your pain, but offer it up for those who need healing, especially those who have no one to pray for them.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have many people who are unemployed and in need of food and shelter. You give many gifts to people, but you may receive some in return at Christmas. When you give money, food, clothing, or shelter to the poor, you do not expect anything in return except possibly a ‘thank you’. Such charity for the poor will always receive a gift of treasure in heaven that will await your judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, soon you will be reading the accounts of the Wise Men bringing Me their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. You may not have such gifts for Me, but you can continue your Novena of thanksgiving for your many intentions. See this Octave of Christmas as a perfect time for prayers for the coming New Year. You do not know what lays ahead of you in this coming year, but by working on your holiness and helping others, you will be following what I desire for you. I wish all of you a Happy New Year in all that you do for Me.”
Source: ➥