Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
(Christ the King)

Jesus said: “My people, this celebration of My Kingship is not anything like your earthly kings. This picture that you have in your possession is a miracle picture that portrays the end times when souls will be judged. The sickle represents the time to gather the wheat of My faithful into the barn of heaven. It also is a time to gather the grapes of the evil ones to be cast into hell. Many find it hard to believe that this event could happen in your lifetime. You have all the signs around you that the Antichrist is about to be declared as he will have a brief reign on the earth. At the end of this coming tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to conquer all the evil ones. I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Then after a long time, My faithful will be prepared to enter heaven. Then you will see Me in all of My glory as King of all of My creation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for coming to this shrine to honor My Kingship, even amidst the cold and your effort to travel here. I love all of you so much, which is why I am showing you My beating heart in My Sacred Heart. In today’s Gospel reading you were read the account of My Kingship before Pilate. This vision of Me in My crown of thorns is how you can appreciate My love for you in dying for your sins. As you think of My death, you can also see how I suffered in this Shroud of Turin. I thank Alex for his mission in sharing My picture of My death in the shroud. I thank your people here again as you pray to stop your abortions which are weighing heavily against America. You celebrate My Kingship here every year, and I am grateful for all of your devotions and prayers. Remember to keep your focus on Me as I walk with you through this life. For all those, who worship Me and follow My Commandments, you will one day see Me on My throne as I welcome all of My faithful home in heaven.”
Source: ➥