Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
(St. Gertrude)

Jesus said: “My people, just as you saw Me cure the blind man of his physical sight, so I commended him for his spiritual sight in having faith that I could heal him. This vision of My Divine Mercy rays of grace and mercy are always shining down on My people. As you keep your focus on Me, I will heal many of you of your spiritual blindness. In faith I want you to keep your eyes on Me as you take up your daily cross of life. Follow Me and imitate My life by following My Commandments and loving Me and your neighbor. By holding fast to your faith in Me and keeping your focus on Me, you will see clearly how to live a good Christian life. Think of Me all day long in all of your actions that you do out of love for Me. Walk with Me on your path to heaven and I will protect you from the evil one’s temptations. As you see My Light to lead you, I want you to share your faith with others so they also will be freed of their sins and their spiritual blindness.”
Source: ➥