Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings your heart goes out to the widow and her son who had to suffer through the drought and the famine. Elijah was called to perform a miracle for them by multiplying the flour and oil so they could keep from dying from starvation. Even attention was drawn to the poor widow in the Gospel for giving all that she had into the collection box. This month you are focused on thanksgiving for all of your blessings, but you also should be willing to share your financial blessings with the poor at your local food shelves or other charities who help the poor of the world. Some people are only interested in helping themselves, but if you have some excess wealth, you could be tithing to your church and your charities. When you help the poor out of love, you are helping Me in them out of love also. So do not be selfish, but be a cheerful giver.”
Source: ➥