Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
(St. Therese of Lisieux)

St. Therese said: “My dear little one, I want to confirm to you the advice that the Sister gave you earlier that you could obtain a spiritual director on your own. You have given your Diocese adequate notice of your intentions in respecting their authority over you. I honor your intentions to be obedient to the Church, as Jesus had asked you to follow. I also wish you could say your Novena prayers continuously until you obtain a spiritual director. As your priest mentioned, I pray constantly for all missionaries as yourself to go out and preach the Word of God. Your messages from Jesus are important to announce, so it is imperative that you work harder to obtain a spiritual director so these messages could be approved. Remember all of my previous instructions to keep yourself holy. Your retreat was a good refresher. I am honored to be one of your spiritual directors and pray to me for advice or help in your situations in life.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you talk to people about adoring Me in My Blessed Sacrament, it takes some explanation for what you are talking about. When you see the priest lift the bread and wine, he is consecrating them into My Body and Blood. On Holy Thursday I instituted My sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I left you Myself in My Real Presence of My Blessed Sacrament. This belief, that I am truly present in the consecrated Bread, is why many come to visit Me in Adoration.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are preparing for Camille’s funeral and I have given you a picture of one of his favorite sports-fishing. He was even familiar how to lure fish on to his line so he could pull them in. This process is also how I need to lure souls in to come to Me so they can experience My love and see the need for repentance and come to Me in heaven. This is why I asked My apostles to be fishers of men and women so the people can experience My Kingdom.”
Jesus said: “My people, I taught the people and My apostles through many miracles in the boat. Several times I helped My apostles make large catches of fish, even after they had fished for hours and had caught nothing. Another time I saved My apostles from drowning in a bad storm by calming the waters. Still in another trial I came to them walking on the water. In all of these miracles they did not always understand that I performed them because I was the Son of God. The most startling miracle is when I resurrected from the dead after dying on the cross for all of mankind. When the Holy Spirit came over My apostles, then they truly understood My mission and had the courage to preach My message of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen man’s handiwork in this Mount Rushmore monument and his drawings over the centuries, but these accomplishments pale in comparison to My creation. As you view the beautiful earth and all of its mountains, streams, plants, and animals, you can see My hand in everything. I am your Creator as well, and I ask you to worship Me and love Me in prayer as you grow in your holiness. Once you give your will over to Me, then you can be in harmony with all of My creation that follows My direction.”
Jesus said: “My people, your current readings are relating how the Jewish people were freed again from their captivity so they could restore their Temple and their way of worshiping Me. This was another lesson that the people had to learn the hard way. They worshiped foreign gods and idols of their neighbors, so I allowed their enemies to defeat them, and take away their comfortable life. This is a similar story of America because you are worshiping fame and money while you abort your children. I will allow your enemies in the Masons to take away your country and you will also be in exile at My refuges until you will be joyful in My renewed earth in My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have prepared you to have your things packed to leave for your refuges when you will be threatened by the evil ones. I also have asked you to take what you would need for a Mass, with your missals, candles, and bread and wine. If you are fortunate to have a priest at your refuge, then you could have Mass and the sacraments. Be grateful for your priests. My angels will also be there for you to give you Holy Communion, even if you do not have a priest.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be celebrating the feast day of your Guardian Angels. You are all very fortunate that I sought to protect every soul by giving you your own individual angel to guard your soul throughout your life. Be grateful to Me for this gift and thank your angel for all that they do to protect you from the temptations of the devil. Trust in Me and their power to save you, so you can one day be with Me in heaven.”
Source: ➥