Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
(Sts. Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael)

St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God in all of His glory. Us archangels are protectors, messengers, and healers through the power and direction of God. As you need protection from falling down as in the vision of this guard rail, you also need protection against the devil and his demons. Just as I fought the devil in heaven and cast them into hell, so I will fight for your souls. I am the guardian and protector of America, but the more mortal sins that you commit, the less that I can help you. When your sin is so great, God’s justice has to be carried out. When you call on My help to protect your messages from the evil one and you call on Me to help in exorcizing demons, I will be there for you. God and us good angels are more powerful than the evil ones, so just call on Jesus and we will be there for you.”
Jesus said: “My people, sometimes men or women show their pride in how well they perform in sports events, gambling, or the stock market. Some people measure their success by how many events they can win. Others measure success in how much money they can accumulate. True followers of Mine are content to serve Me the best that they can without worrying about being better than someone else. It is better to strive to be humble and the least in My Kingdom, than wasting time trying to be the best in anything. Greed and pride are two strong temptations that tempt souls for fame and wealth. All that you need is enough to survive, but your soul needs to strive for spiritual perfection in order to gain sainthood. This crown should be your goal, but to get there may mean a denial of self and all earthly successes. You are not judged on your wealth or your position, but only how you loved Me and loved your neighbor in life. If you love Me, you would love My Presence in every soul and help them where you could. It is much more rewarding to be humble and give away everything to save souls than to strive to be rich and famous in the eyes of man. It is Me that you would rather please than man, because I have the words of eternal life.”
Source: ➥