Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is very hard for some to believe that the bread and wine can become My Body and Blood at every Mass. It takes a deep faith in the truth of My very words when I stated ‘This is My Body.’ and ‘This is My Blood.’ Those, who do believe in My Real Presence, seek Me out in My tabernacle for visits and at daily Mass for their daily Bread. Some of My disciples left Me because they thought I was asking them to eat My physical flesh. At every Mass with the priest’s words at the Consecration there is a transubstantiation or a change of the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. This vision of veins of blood in My Host is to show that My Eucharist is alive and living. This is another example that I am the God of the Living. I died to save all of you from your sins, and this sacrifice is replicated in an unbloody manner at every Mass. For those, who have difficulty in believing My Real Presence, you have been given many Miracles of My Eucharist when spots of blood appear on the Host. Many of these miracles were performed for even priests who did not fully believe. Trust in My words and see that I have left you the greatest gift of Myself in every consecrated Host.”
Source: ➥