Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
(Ascension Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, after My Resurrection I was in My glorified Body, which is why at times I was not recognized at first until I called their names or broke bread at supper. It would be difficult for My apostles to carry on My new Church alone, so I told them to wait for a while and I would send them the Holy Spirit to strengthen them in their ministry. In the readings you saw how I protected them from snakes and poisons. Once My disciples received the Holy Spirit, they did go forth and spread My Good News of salvation to all the nations. My faithful today also are blessed with My Presence as I embraced all of you in the vision. I did not leave you, but I am at your side whenever you call on Me in prayer. You are temples of the Holy Spirit because it is His life Spirit that gives your body and soul life in your existence. Call on Me, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Father, and We will help you in your mission to teach and save souls. Give glory and praise to your God who loves you always and We await the day when you can be with Us for all eternity with your soul and glorified body.”
(70th Wedding anniversary Mass) Jesus said: “My people, marriage is My beloved sacrament of how I want men and women to live in love, and how I want each couple to be joined as one in a lifetime commitment together. When you marry, you make vows to be faithful to one another until death do you part. I am joined with you as a third partner and this sacrament gives you the graces to endure life’s trials. In your present society marriage, as an institution, is being attacked as some live together in a sinful way without marriage, some live separated or divorced, and some in same sex marriages. But when you see a marriage of seventy years, there is a witness of hope that people can live out their promise of a life long commitment as Camille and Lydia have. You also have a dedicated marriage of forty-four years and your brothers as well. Even your children, who have married, have stayed together. It is a good prayer life that can keep couples together, and the fruit of this marital love is the children that you bring forth and even the grandchildren. This love environment was meant to be the proper setting to bring forth children. Parents need to care for their children’s spiritual life, even into their adult years. A faithful example of a long marriage is another gift of your love for each other that you share with your children. Keep faithful to Me and your spouse as love is everlasting.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this feast day of My Ascension into heaven is the beginning of another Novena of nine days of prayer before the feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon My disciples in the form of tongues of fire. You had another Novena before Mercy Sunday that started on Good Friday. As you say your prayers for this present Novena, include your intentions of your friends and relatives in purgatory, and pray for your friends and relatives that are still living and all poor sinners. You do not want to see any souls go to hell, so pray especially for those sinners who most need prayers for conversion.”
Jesus said: “My people, since the daily Divine Mercy intentions are beautiful for the whole world, you could use these same intentions for your Novena prayers before Pentecost. Whenever you pray a Novena, you will see great graces bestowed on those whom you are praying for. You could follow your Novena intentions with a Novena of thanksgiving for another nine days praying for the same people. Those souls in purgatory are most grateful for all of your Masses and rosaries.”
Jesus said: “My people, witness stories of conversions, or miraculous incidents are very enlightening and encouraging to your faithful prayer group members. If you approve of renewing this practice, it would be a great way to mark another anniversary of your prayer group meetings. Discern this opportunity of spiritual sharing to add more spirit to your meetings and you could learn from each other.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you come out of your cold winter months, it is a welcome warming without any frost or ice. This same sense of thawing can be applied to cold hearts that have little or no faith. It takes many prayers and personal commitments to help thaw out a hardened heart. You need to overcome this heart with My love that you can share with them. When hearts are open to My love, beautiful faith transformations can occur. Work to share your love especially with those that may be weak in the faith so you can build up their faith commitment to Me. Those souls, who listen and take heart in your words, will be grateful for bringing them closer to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, after Pentecost My disciples went out among the people, making many conversions. You all are called to go out to all the nations and bring souls to Me. This is not an easy task to try and bring someone to conversion. Ask yourself if you have brought anyone into the faith or helped them in a reconversion over the last year. Make an extra effort to reach out to souls in evangelizing them to a strong faith in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have encouraged parents to take their spiritual responsibility seriously concerning the teaching of the faith to their children and grandchildren. You are responsible for these souls, even into their adulthood. Pray for discernment to make some time to teach the faith to the children in your parish’s religious education program. Passing your faith on to the next generations should also be a part of your Christian responsibility. The children need to know their prayers and be open to a faith commitment to Me. Unless they are trained by a strong faith-filled person, that soul could fall away in spiritual apathy.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to My people, and you need to pray to discern what gifts that you have been given. Some may have the gift of being teachers of the faith. Some are given gifts of prophecy and messages of faith. Others have gifts of healing. Still others have a gift for converting souls. Some are suffering victim souls to help other souls with their prayers and offered up pain. Whatever is your gift, pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit you will be enabled to use your gifts to heal and save souls from their spiritual lack of love for Me. When you see healings and conversions, joy will come into your heart and thank Me for these blessings.”
Source: ➥