Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the two rings are a symbol of marriage, which as an institution, is under attack in your society because more couples are living together without marriage. This is against My Sixth Commandment because without My sacramental bond, these couples are living in fornication and it is deadly mortal sin. This normal marriage love relationship is symbolic between My Church as the bride, and I am the Groom. The Easter Candle represents the Spirit of God in the Holy Spirit, and it is an eternal flame of love between Us and all of humanity. Every person has this flame of life in their soul which is why each of you are temples of the Holy Spirit. As you think about flames, this also was like the tongues of fire over My disciples as they received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. As this Easter Season is coming to a close, keep My thoughts of love of God and neighbor in your hearts at all times. I commanded you to love one another because I am love, and you all are My creations out of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, My bride in the Church, represented by this young girl, is being showered with My daily graces to protect it from the demons. My Church and My priest sons are constantly being tested by the demons. When you prayed the St. Michael Prayer and the three Hail Marys after Mass at one time, it was for protection from the demons. There is a spiritual battle between good and evil constantly going on amidst all of the devil’s temptations. This is why you need all of your sacramentals of protection in your rosaries, Benedictine crosses, scapulars, and miraculous medals on your person at all times. I am protecting My faithful and My Church from the demons by My many angels from heaven. Be confident in Me and never fearful of the devil because My power is much more powerful than all of the demons put together.”
Source: ➥