Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, April 10, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
(Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, you have suffered your little penances all throughout Lent and you give them over to Me on the cross. Every day you carry your cross in this life, and do not think that all of your sufferings go unnoticed. I see all that you suffer in the little and large things in your life. So do not be depressed over them, but accept them joyfully for Me because there is redemptive merits in them when you give them over to Me. As you read the account of My Crucifixion, see how much I was willing to suffer for each person’s sins. As you look closely at the Shroud of Turin, you can see the blood marks from My five wounds and all of the rips in My skin from My scourging. Even on My head you can see the wounds of My crown of thorns, and the bruises on My shoulder and My knees. It is painful to see how much I suffered, but I went to this extent of torture and death to ransom the sins of all mankind. Not every one accepts Me, and I suffer more rejection from people who do not love Me and do not thank Me for the openness to their salvation. Every sinner can repent of their sins and I will forgive them. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners so they can be saved from hell. Everyone has a choice for heaven or hell, but unless you repent and accept Me as Master of your life, then you cannot come to heaven.”
Source: ➥