Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading of Moses lifting up the bronze serpent to heal those bitten by the seraph serpents, has much meaning for the coming Holy Week. Soon you will be reading of My crucifixion on the cross as I was lifted up to save everyone from their sins. When you look upon My crucifix, you can see how much I suffered for each one of you in giving up My life, so you could have eternal life in heaven. Without My sacrifice for your salvation, the doors of heaven could not have been opened as they are open today. There is an example in My suffering on the cross because I want everyone to take up their own cross, and share life’s trials with Me on My cross. During the tribulation, you will see a luminous cross over every refuge in the sky, and when My faithful look upon this cross, you will be healed of all of your medical problems just like Moses’ bronze serpent. In addition to your physical healing, you will see spiritual healings as well when you look upon My luminous cross. If you do not have a priest for Confession, you can pray your Act of Contrition while looking on this cross, and your sins will be forgiven. During all ages I give you every opportunity to repent of your sins and be saved. During Lent take the opportunity of Confession to cleanse your souls in preparation for Holy Week.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am recalling a scene on the Sea of Galilee when there was a large storm that was swamping the boat that I was in with My apostles. (Mark 4:35-40) I was awakened by My apostles because they feared that we were going to drown from the storm. I calmed the waters and the storm , and then I questioned their little faith. My apostles still did not realize My powers, for I can do the impossible in man’s eyes. All that I ask is that you have faith in how I will protect you from the evil ones. Today you are in a financial storm which could easily lead to chaos and riots should the banks be closed or your power is turned off. I am here for My faithful as well in this coming tribulation. Instead of calming everything all over the world, I will make places of calm at all of My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. When I am with you, you have nothing to fear, even as I calmed the storm to save My apostles in the boat. Trust in My hand of protection that is always watching over you.”
Source: ➥