Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, a prophet is not accepted in his native place. In Nazareth in several accounts of the Gospels I spoke of the little faith that My people had because they did not accept Me as the Son of God. Without faith I could not cure the sick there. I even read the Scriptures of Isaiah of how the Messiah would come and make the blind see, the cripple walk, and the lepers would be healed. I told them that today in their hearing this Scripture was fulfilled. Since they thought that I was blaspheming, they cast Me out of Nazareth and they wanted to throw Me off of a cliff. Instead, I walked through them and they could not touch Me because it was not My time to die. So, My people, even though I was born a God-man for your salvation, you must have faith that the Son of Man, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, has come to the earth to die for your sins. Believe that I am the Messiah, and believe in My healing power, and you will see miracles of healing, through My Name, both in physical and spiritual healings. Remember many times when I healed people, I told them that their faith had saved them because they believed that I could heal them. Even the worst of sinners I can also heal and forgive, if they would only obey My laws, and believe that I could cleanse their sins. These accounts of cleansing sins and cleansing leprosy are closely linked to the waters of Baptism which is how your original sin was cleansed. So continue in your faith that I can heal you of your sins in Confession, and by My grace I also can heal physical problems by My instruments in My Name.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank you for giving praise and glory to Me in your singing and in your prayers. You are seeing the beginning of your end time trials with all of the sorrow of lost jobs and financial trials. You are also seeing a great battle of good and evil in a struggle for souls. Call on My graces and blessings to help you endure these events and the coming tribulation. You know that once you see the Antichrist coming, you know that soon I will come in victory on the clouds. At that time I will cast the demons and evil people into hell. I will then renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. Relish the glory of My love that will be poured out over all souls who believe in Me and I encourage the wayward souls to change their lives. Truly My love rains down on you as I will soon reign over all of the earth without any evil.”
Source: ➥