Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
(Ash Wednesday)

Jesus said: “My people, remember thou art dust and unto dust thou shall return. The ashes of this beginning of Lent focus you more on repenting of your sins, fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. This Penitential Season is when you should try to do an extra penance of more prayer, spiritual reading, possibly daily Mass, Stations of the Cross, and doing without something that you enjoy. It is a time of self-denial and self-sacrifice, as well as detachment from worldly things. You have seen in the monasteries how prayer is a large part of their life. Lent is a time to take a close look at your life and see where you can make some spiritual improvements. If you have any particular bad habits such as smoking, drinking, excessive gambling, too much TV, or too many hours on the computer, now would be a good time to give them up for Lent. Do not allow anything to control you so much that it takes you away from Me. I should be first in your life, and if I am not, then you need to realign your priorities in life. Make a point during this Lent to give Me a special time for prayer and spiritual reading. You may even want to have a little time when your family could come together and pray for a while. Take advantage of every Lent to return to the faithful fervor of when you were converted, or when you made your full commitment to Me. If you never made such a commitment as a total consecration of your life to Me, then you could start with this Lent’s devotions. As you look at the ashes, representing your mortal nature, think of your life’s preparation for your death and judgment before Me. You are all working towards sainthood, so you can be worthy and pure of soul to enter heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that there would be a luminous cross, like the one in Thermal, California, above in the sky over every refuge throughout the whole time of the tribulation. People, that come to My refuges and look upon this cross, will be healed of any pandemic virus, or any other health problem. I am showing you multiple places with luminous crosses to emphasize that these crosses will be above all of My refuges all over the world. There will also be spiritual healings from looking on My luminous cross. If you have a priest at a refuge, then you can have Confession. But if a priest is not present, you can say your Act of Contrition prayer while you are looking on the luminous cross, and your sins will be forgiven. I will be providing for all of your physical and spiritual needs at My refuges, so have no fear and trust in Me and My angels to protect you.”
Source: ➥