Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I spoke to My apostles about avoiding the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod.(Mark 8:13-21) Reading Scripture is fruitful, but the other words and actions of the Pharisees and Herod were not to be followed because they were misleading the people by preaching mere human precepts as important to follow. I have given you My Word and the new Unleavened Bread of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament. This is what you should follow. There is another time in the coming tribulation when there will be a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Beware of the schismatic church because they will be teaching a New Age faith that is only a worship of things of the world led by Satan. This schismatic church will also teach that the sexual sins are no longer sins. Follow only My faithful remnant because they will be worshiping only Me and they will teach the Word that I gave My apostles. It is this element of My Church that the gates of hell will not prevail against. This is the meaning of the vision in two paths to follow during the tribulation. Follow only Me and not the New Age teaching.”
Jesus said: “My people, how many times are you going to listen to these deteriorated stock leaders complain that they are too big to fail and need to be bailed out by your taxpayers? It was never the taxpayer’s money that was supposed to support the car makers and the banks who all made their own errors in judgment. Even if there would be some bankruptcies, continued drains of borrowed money will not solve their problems and will only add to a monstrous debt that could bankrupt your country. Those, who made bad choices, should suffer the consequences, and not the frugal taxpayer having their own hard times. Many are doubtful if your stimulus plan and bank mortgage plans are going to solve your recession. The amount of money needed to fix your crisis is too much to try and solve with more taxes or more borrowing. This crisis was purposely created to bankrupt your country, so you will soon reap the consequences of this plan. The solution of martial law, a North American Union, and a new ‘amero’ currency is a solution of the one world people to form a global government. Be prepared to go to My refuges because your imminent takeover is not far off. Global government will not solve your financial problem, but it will make it worse as your rights and your jobs will be taken away and given to other countries. Pray for My protection at My refuges for you will need full trust in My help.”
Source: ➥