Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a deep recession and almost a depression, and your President and Congress are claiming that you need a government stimulus plan of billions of dollars in order to get your economy going again. This vision of a fly in a Venus fly trap represents the American taxpayer being drawn into the sweetness of stimulus and bailout talk. But once you agree to their plan, you fall into the one world people’s trap of create the problem, and create their solution. Piling up trillions of dollars in debt to try and get out of your credit crisis is a planned failure. This plan will not solve this problem, but it will lead to a bankruptcy of America. Trillions of dollars of more debt will require huge financing from mostly foreigners if they want to buy your debt notes. Once you cannot finance this debt, or you cannot get enough taxes to pay the interest, then your collapse will create a takeover with the amero as your new currency of the North American Union. This destruction of your economy has been the one world people’s goal right along to form their world government. Do not fall into this trap of deficit spending to get out of this recession, because this money will help little, if any, in creating new jobs that will last. In the end your country will fall into the hands of your enemies as a punishment for worshiping your money and pleasures instead of Me. Prepare to go to My refuges when martial law occurs.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, some refuges will be in rural areas, even on farms where the land has been consecrated and there are springs of water. I will multiply your farm animals so the people at your refuge will have enough to eat. Deer will come into your camps for food as well. Even My angels will feed you Holy Communion so you could survive on My Blessed Sacrament. Put your trust in Me to lead you to My refuges where you will have food, water, and shelter. You will have specific jobs to do and you will be praying more in your mission.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are so used to eating at your kitchen table or your dining room table, but eating at the refuge may be on a more rustic furniture and at times even outside. There will be many people at your refuges and you all will be helping each other to survive. It will be more difficult to live in the winter because you may not have electricity. Fuel will be needed for keeping warm, cooking, and for light at night. Be prepared with a fireplace and wood, as well as saws and hatchets to cut the trees for wood. Many of these tools you will need to take to the refuges. Trust in Me that you will have what you need.”
Jesus said: “My people, for those without a spring of water at an interim refuge, I will multiply your food and water for as long as you need it. Even on the way to your final refuge, you will find interim refuges to hide you and feed you. Do not have fear of the evil ones, for My angels will do battle for you by making you invisible to them. With My help, you will not need guns to defend yourselves. Your lives will become more holy as you are all working towards sainthood.”
Jesus said: “My people, for those who have farm animals, you will need hay and corn silage to feed them. Even as I multiply food for My faithful, I will also multiply the food for your animals if it is needed. Storing your food may require silos or root cellars for cold storage. You have seen such needed storage places on farms that you have visited. Visiting or living on a farm might prepare you for living this life with the animals.”
Jesus said: “My people, many have wondered why it will be necessary to go to My refuges for protection. I have warned you that the one world government will take over all countries, and they will try to force chips in the body on everyone. If you refuse and they capture you at your home, you could be killed at their death camps. By leaving for My refuges before they come to your house, you could avoid capture and live in a rustic community life protected by My angels.”
Jesus said: “My people, it will be difficult to have My sacraments if you do not have a priest. I can provide Holy Communion for you, but you need a priest for Confession and the other sacraments. Pray that you will have a priest at your refuge, and pray for good priests to train you in your spiritual needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, in a few more weeks you will be starting another Lenten Season leading up to My death on Good Friday, and My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. This is a special time of the year when you can work on improving your spiritual life and make more time for prayer, fasting, and Confession. You may want to work on acts of self-denial to help remove any sinful habits. Make a few plans on what you can do to improve how you are living your life as a Christian. When Lent does come, you will be ready to take advantage of this time to bring your soul closer to Me in obedience and more loving in helping others with food and donations or almsgiving.”
Source: ➥