Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
(St. Denis)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you have one of My great promises to all of My faithful. ‘Ask and it shall be granted to you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.’ I am always listening to your every prayer, but they also are answered in My time and according to My ways. I do not violate anyone’s free will, so when you pray for someone to change their lives in some way, it ultimately is the very person that must choose that change. When people pray for a certain intention, and it does not happen right away, do not be disappointed because some times you need to be persistent in your prayers since some souls have a higher price. You need a good prayer life to get you through life’s trials, and you need to teach your children and others the importance of having a good prayer life. Most of all have trust that I will guide you and help you in all of your needs. Keep your prayers coming to Me every day for your intentions.”
Jesus said: “My people, this pile of coiled snakes represents the one world people about to strike your country all at once. You have seen your government set up a massive bailout fund from your Congress, a major drop in your interest rates, and multiple bailouts of banks and institutions. Yet, you are still seeing your stock markets decline at a rapid rate. Remember that the goal of these evil ones is to bankrupt your country, and they are deteriorating the value of your stocks very quickly. Just as an increasing oil price did not come from any supply and demand situation, so it is strange that your stock market has not seen many corrections to balance the constant selling with little buying. Whenever you see markets go only in one general direction for a long time, you must be suspicious of manipulation, which is exactly what is taking place. As more people are looking for a bottom to this down market, others are getting out with programmed selling. This decline and other events could even postpone your elections and give your next president a difficult handicap in starting new policies to end your financial crisis. Remember to trust in Me more than the value of your possessions because I have the words of eternal life which can lead you to heaven.”
Source: ➥