Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
(Luke 5:1-11)

Jesus said: “My people, you think that you know the world and what to expect from life, but even things happen that surprise you, and even more so when I can change the impossible in your eyes. St. Peter had been fishing all night and they did not catch anything. So in his eyes as a fisherman he was a little reluctant to lower the nets. But he was obedient to My command and then he was amazed at such a catch of fish that nearly filled their boats to sinking. In life today you also have expectations based on your own experiences. Sometimes I also ask you to do things that seem impossible on the surface according to man’s knowledge. You are totally dependent on Me for everything, whether you want to believe it or not. When I give you a mission to accomplish, I will give you the grace to carry it out, even when it looks impossible in your eyes. This is why when you pray to Me for help, life will go much easier for you. I also told St. Peter and the apostles after their catch of fish, that they would now be fishers of men. Saving souls from their sins may also seem impossible to change, but with My grace and your prayers and instruction, you can help souls see the importance of loving Me and their neighbor. Love of Me and understanding the need to have a pure spiritual life, does not come easy for man in his fallen state. This is where your total dependence on Me in faith and trust will put you on the road to heaven. It is loving Me and following My mission that I call all souls to follow Me as My disciples. Once you deny yourself and deny your love of the world, then I can truly use you to be fishers of My people as well.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are strongly advanced into your election campaign for President now that all of your Vice Presidential candidates have been named. I am still asking you to consider voting for those candidates who will stand up against abortion. The number of abortions in America is weighing heavily against you as a nation. As long as you allow abortion by your court decision, you are calling My punishment upon you for all of these killings of My babies.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are still cleaning up the power outages and flood damage from your recent storms. There is no let up as more storms are forecasted to hit America. When this season is over, you will see this as one of the more damaging years in the last few years. Pray for the people that are enduring all of the floods, wind damage, and tornadoes. Pray also for the preparation for any further storms for this season.”
Jesus said: “My people, the planned installation of defensive missiles in Poland has caused Russia to condemn this action and respond by sending missiles to other nations. Russia’s intrusion into Georgia has been a threat to the oil lines to Europe. Getting oil and natural gas to Europe has been a means for Russia to have a hold on the European needs for energy. This transfer of energy products could be a means of blackmail for any future wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, your policies as a country are still following the directives of the one world people that is keeping you at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The next plans have been to destroy any nuclear bomb making potential in Iran. Diplomacy has not changed Iran’s thinking, even with sanctions against it from the UN. Iran is supported by Russia and China, and any attack by America or Israel could have some risk to causing a wider war.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some one world people in your country that are looking for the most opportune time to declare martial law over any created incident or natural disaster. There will be more made up terrorist incidents that could give them an excuse for martial law, even before your elections. Pray for your country that this planned takeover can be thwarted with enough prayer.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your airlines cutting flights and personnel. This will be a good time to retire some aging fleets that have cracks and fatigue that could cause some accidents. As long as these older planes stay in service, the higher the potential will be for downed airplanes, as you have seen in some foreign countries. These crashes should be an alert to have closer inspections on your own airplanes.”
Jesus said: “My people, exposure to mortgage loan problems have plagued your stock markets and financial banks all year. Any new threat to prices of homes and increased foreclosures has a ripple effect in your markets, as seen in several down markets. These loans and investments in housing are an unknown that has repressed your markets, and they could be manipulated by the one world people to cause a bank failure. Any major bank failures could endanger your banking system that would make your government vulnerable for a takeover. Pray that these financial instruments can be cleaned up before any crash in your banking system could occur.”
Source: ➥