Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you are viewing the lives of two great pillars of My Church in St. Paul and St. John the apostle, and evangelist. St. Paul’s work as a missionary among the Gentiles has been read in the Acts of the Apostles, and his many epistles were written to help encourage My Early Church in his teachings. He was writing to support the people, even from his chains in Rome. St. John is My beloved apostle to whom I gave My Blessed Mother to take care of her. He also represented all of My faithful, and My Blessed Mother is now your heavenly mother, so you are all her children. She is also honored on this Mother’s Day. St. John wrote this last Gospel of today, his letters, and the Book of Revelation which prophesied how the end is to come about. St. John wrote his Gospel last and it very much emphasized My Divinity as well as My humanity. These two great men were blessed to give you these divinely inspired writings so you had My words of how to live your lives in the Spirit. You are about to celebrate Pentecost, and you can thank the Holy Spirit for helping you to write these words, and to share your faith with each other.”
Jesus said: “My people, Pentecost is a great celebration because once the apostles received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, they were able to speak in foreign tongues so they could literally speak to all nations about My Good News. They also were no longer afraid of the Jews, but they were ready to carry out their individual missions. The Holy Spirit infused them with knowledge and understanding of all that I had taught them. Now, since I resurrected, they were eager to share the Good News that I brought salvation to all of mankind. I paid the price of everyone’s sins, and now a person only has to repent and accept Me into their lives in order to be saved. This was the beginning of My Church being formed, once the Holy Spirit was given to all of My disciples. The Holy Spirit is still supporting My Church with His gifts to you, so rejoice in this renewal of your faith. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of love in everyone. He is the One who gives life to your own spirit as Our presence is always with you, or you would cease to exist. Give praise and glory to the Holy Spirit for all of His gifts that are active in you.”
Source: ➥