Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
(Mercy Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, this glorious Easter Season is all about bringing people back to life again, only even better than Lazarus. I brought Lazarus back to an earthly body, but at the final judgment I will raise My faithful back into glorified bodies. I told Mary and Martha that I am the ‘Resurrection and the Life’ even before I died and resurrected. As you see this place of the dead in the vision, it is empty as I was raised from the tomb. Then My apostles saw Me standing in their midst in the flesh and still with My wounds. Even St. Thomas did not believe in My Resurrection when the other apostles told him of My appearance to them. St. Thomas has taken some criticism in doubting My Resurrection. Once he placed his finger into My wounds, he exclaimed ‘My Lord and My God’, which is what you pray at the Consecration of the bread into My Body. He then believed that I resurrected, just as My disciples of today believe in Me and some have even died for Me in martyrdom than give up their faith. You are blessed in your belief without seeing Me, and I commission you, as I did My apostles, to go out and preach My Good News of My salvation to all the nations.”
Jesus said: “My people, this is a blessing of My mercy on all of mankind this day that can take away temporal punishment due for your sins. This looking through the cracks and dark narrow alleys represents all of the souls who need prayer and My mercy that have been forgotten and have fallen through the cracks. You pray for the souls in purgatory who have no one to pray for them. Now I want you to likewise pray for all the souls that are living and whom no one is praying for. I do not want one soul to be forgotten, even after their deaths. You remember to pray for your relatives and friends, but now I will give you another list to pray for. Think of all the prisoners in all of the prisons around the world, and pray for them, even if they are murderers or thieves. I allowed the thief on the cross next to Me to enter into paradise, so I can allow your prayers to save these prisoners as well. Pray for all the sick and elderly in nursing homes whom many family members have forgotten. Pray for the salvation of all souls who do not know Me, souls who have rejected Me, and the lukewarm souls. Pray for all the homeless and hungry poor people who have no one to help them. Pray for those in places of war that have been displaced from their homes. Pray for those suffering from floods and natural disasters. As you can see, there are many who are deserving of your prayers. Just as I shine My graces and blessings of My mercy on every soul, so I want My followers to do as I do and be merciful to even those who are forgotten. I am an example to you as I washed My apostles’ feet for them.”
Source: ➥