Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
(St. Joseph)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast of My foster father, St. Joseph. He was a holy and gracious man, and he was charged with the responsibility for providing for the Holy Family by his carpenter trade. He taught Me his trade while I was growing up, and also with My Blessed Mother they taught Me all the customs, traditions, and the Scriptures of the Jewish faith. This is a message to all fathers and mothers that you are all responsible for the spiritual well-being for the souls of your children. You must bring them up in the faith and see to it that they receive religious instruction so they will be made aware of My love and the need to struggle for perfection to enter heaven. Even after your children leave your house, you are still responsible to remind them of their spiritual commitment to Me. I know your children have free will, and it could happen that they may wander away from the Church. Still give them good example and encourage them in a loving way to return to the faith that they were taught. If they refuse, then it is still your obligation to pray for their souls, even to either of your deaths. This is the persistence of faith that I call all parents to watch over their children.”
Jesus said: “My people, the reading of My Passion starts with the Last Supper and the betrayal by Judas. While he was gone I shared the first Mass with My apostles and I instituted My Eucharist for all time. It was after I died on the cross that now you can celebrate My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine. This vision of the bread focuses you on My Blessed Sacrament, which is My gift of Myself that I have left with you when I left the earth in My physical body. Now, when you want to be close to Me, you can visit Me at any tabernacle in any church. In My Passion you read of how Judas and St. Peter denied Me, but they each had different reactions to their denials. Judas was so grief stricken that he thought he was unworthy of My forgiveness, so he went out and hanged himself. St. Peter was also remorseful for his three denials, but he was trusting that I would forgive him, even when I asked him three times if he loved Me. My people, in your sins you are denying Me as well, but you trust in Me to also forgive you in Confession. Give praise and glory to your Lord for giving you My sacraments of Holy Communion and Penance.”
Source: ➥