Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you heard the account of the Israelites complaining to Moses of the manna that they were eating in the desert. As a punishment God sent the saraph serpents that bit the people and some died. After the people pleaded to Moses and were sorry for their sin, Moses was told by God to mount a bronze serpent on a pole and all, who looked on the bronze serpent, were healed of their snake bite. This is a prefigurement of how I was lifted up on a cross so I could heal everyone of their sins, and they now could have eternal life. Many look on My crucifix so they could be converted and saved, since I paid the price for your souls. There is a second prefigurement in the manna because now I instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper, and I give you Myself in the consecrated Host as your spiritual food. I told you that he, who eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life. So in the vision of seeing Me giving out Holy Communion, the Exodus manna is a symbol of My present Blessed Sacrament. What the people of the day of Moses were not satisfied with, has now become My very Body and Blood that satisfies the soul more than bread alone could ever do.”
Jesus said: “My people, My love is constant for My people, even when you fall into sin. As you look upon this ever flowing water fountain, think of this water as a constant flow of My graces and blessings all over My people. All that you need to do is call upon Me and I will give you My gifts from My abundant graces. All of those souls, who love Me in return, will be on the right path to eternal life. All of those souls, who refuse to love Me, are walking down the broad road to hell. You are the one by your actions that chooses your fate of either heaven or hell. Remember that I always love you, and it is you who choose at times in your sin not to love Me. But I give everyone chances to repent and return to My love by asking My forgiveness. I seek to win your soul, even until your dying breath. But remember that Satan struggles for your soul until death as well. The difference is that I created you and I love you. Satan does not know you as I do, and he only hates you. You would much rather follow your Creator who loves you and can welcome you into the glory of heaven.”
Source: ➥