Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, February 22, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
(Chair of St. Peter)

Jesus said: “My people, your trips to Betania have already focused around My Blessed Mother’s feast days. You are asking what would be an appropriate time to come to Betania this year. It would be in keeping with your previous trips that a good time would be around one of My Blessed Mother’s feast days. If you could ascertain a specific time when Juliet was given notice that she would be called ‘Betania IV’, you may want to make a trip in honor of this anniversary. Your desire is to have a convenient time for your pilgrims and the Bianchini Family. Any time that you choose to visit My Blessed Mother’s shrine in Betania is always acceptable to us. The real desire is for a spiritual renewal in all of the pilgrims who wish to come to Betania. They can build on their faith life by inviting us more into their daily lives. Every time that you make a pilgrimage to My Blessed Mother’s shrines, you gain a grace and a protection from My Blessed Mother’s mantle. Those, who have visited Betania, can testify how each time that they come, they take home a joy in their hearts that has to be experienced there. All of the called Betania centers need to be united with My Blessed Mother, Me, and Maria Esperanza in sharing your common purpose of prayer for the world, and reconciliation with each other in making peace all over the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast commemorates the starting of My Church when I declared to St. Peter (Matt. 16:13-19) ‘You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven.’ This should be a comfort to all of My faithful for My faithful remnant will remain protected even through the coming tribulation. There will be persecution and some will be martyred for not giving up their faith. Continue to pray for Pope Benedict XVI so he can continue to lead My Church through the succession of popes from St. Peter. Regarding the vision of My Blessed Mother kneeling on this land, the significance is connected with the Seventh Anniversary of this Gospa House. My Blessed Mother is affirming her protection of these grounds which continues to be a place of refuge and protection in the coming trial. Pray for unity in the hearts of those working on this ministry. Wherever there is a good work going on to save souls, you know the devil will try to plant his seeds of division in that place. This means that you need to invoke St. Michael to exorcize any demons of dissension, and strengthen the purpose and faith of the people in this ministry. Keep your focus on the love of our Two Hearts, and your work will yield the fruit of My mission.”
Source: ➥