Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
(St. Cyril & St. Methodius)

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel reading of today is all about how you are dependent on Me whether you want to believe it or not. For those, who have deep faith and trust in My Word, you know that I will never test you beyond your endurance. You can also ask Me for help and I will be at your side to provide for your needs. When you are seeking discernment or knowledge, you will find it by My help and inspiration. Better to call on Me in prayer in your difficulties than to be frustrated by your own ways that may not solve your problems. Forget your pride to do things on your own, and solicit My help and that of your neighbor. After you see how much prayer succeeds in your life, you will truly learn how dependent you are on Me for everything. When you put your blind trust in Me, it is another way of showing your love for Me, and believing in My Words of the Gospel.”
Prayer Group:
Michelle said: “Thank you for bringing my picture tonight and for being godparents for Anthony, my son. My soul is still roaming the earth so I can console my family with my loss. I love them very much. I have met Jesus and Mary, and they are very pleased with my service. I assume the Lord took my life with little pain so I would not have to suffer a long time. We enjoyed and were happy to assist you in your mission. I will be praying for all of you that work in the vineyards for Jesus.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many suffering with paralysis in their legs or arms, or other ailments that confine people to wheelchairs. I want you to pray for them to have the grace to endure their physical trials. It is also a hardship for the care givers to constantly take care of any handicapped or disabled persons. Your heart goes out to all that they are suffering. Even during Lent be aware of any opportunities to help people either with food or transportation. Many souls are suffering servants for the sinners of the world. They should be thanked for atoning for the sins of the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some hard cases of homeless people, who by pride and not knowing how to get help, are left to wander in the streets, even in the cold of winter. Some find shelters or soup kitchens to survive, but they also need your donations of food to keep going. Let your love in your heart go out to help these unfortunate souls. Reach out to contribute your time and money to your local food shelves who support the hungry and the thirsty.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you get old and it is hard for you to live alone, many need help with their necessities in nursing homes and assisted living places. It is not easy for them to leave their homes, but they may have memory problems or cannot move around very well on their own. They can get lonely if their family and friends forget about them. Make an extra effort to visit the sick and the elderly to cheer them up and make them feel loved and wanted. These spiritual works of mercy will store up heavenly treasure for you to offset your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you may know of some people who unfortunately have found themselves in prison for stealing or other such minor crimes. You can be a great witness of faith if you work with the jail ministry to try and convert these offenders. They need to have some hope after their sentence is over. Help them in prayer and even adjusting back into society. These souls are hungering for somebody to visit them and encourage them in their dark hour.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many kinds of people with various addictions to food, drink, drugs, gambling, computers, and pornography. Each of these addictions has a demon associated with them to try and bring a soul to fall under their control. My faithful need to help these addicts with prayer, removing them from the source of their addiction, and helping them to get professional assistance to deal with their addictions. Pray prayers of deliverance and exorcism to bind these evil spirits to the foot of My cross, never to return again. Help them in their struggles, or they will bring more grief to themselves and their families.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Me at your death at your judgment, it will go well for those who have their hands full of good deeds and spiritual acts of mercy. I have given you some suggestions in the earlier messages for ways in which you could help people in their need, and help you in storing up heavenly treasure for your caring and kindness. Lent is a time to be thinking more of helping your neighbor out of love for Me in them. I have told you if you have done a good deed for one of My little ones, then you have done it to Me in them as well. Helping hands are a good way to show that you love and care about your neighbor. I will not forget your good deeds, and you will receive My reward for your efforts.”
Source: ➥