Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
(Most Holy Name of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, this key in the vision represents how using My Name will unlock many graces for you. Today’s feast honors My very Name that was given to My Blessed Mother at the Annunciation when the Archangel St. Gabriel gave these words: (Luke 1:31) ‘Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus.’ According to your Catholic Encyclopedia My Name means ‘Jehovah is salvation’. Even My Name speaks of My mission that I came to die for all of mankind to save you from your sins. There is power in a person’s name which is why when you pray to a saint for intercessory prayer, you call them by their very name. I have also mentioned that when you are praying for souls or for healings, it is always better to mention the specific name of the person as the intention. Your given name stays with you for all eternity. It is part of your identity even as a spirit. My Name, being the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, is even more powerful as God. You can call on My Name to ward off attacks of the demons. You can also call on My Name for healing, much like St. Peter did in healing the lame beggar. (Acts 3:6) ‘In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk.’ Every time that you call upon My Name, I will be right beside you to listen to your prayer or your petition. So rejoice in the Name, ‘Jesus’, for I truly love you to use My Name in praise and Adoration, but do not use My Name in vain swearing. Pray for those who abuse My Name as well.”
Prayer Group:
God the Father said: “I AM comes to your Eternal Father prayer group to bless you with My graces for the coming year. You are about to see some strong change in worldly events when you will need this blessing to keep you protected from the evil ones. Today’s reading of St. John the Baptist baptizing My Son is appropriate because I and the Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus as He was baptized. This feast day of My Son, Jesus’ Name, is also special to remember how I sent My Son to die for your sins, and offer a worthy sacrifice to atone for all the sins of mankind.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Name, Jesus, was given to Me as I was circumcised on the eighth day after My birth. This vision of the Temple Wall is the very place years ago where I was presented by My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. This was the same time that Simeon and Anna came forward to honor My mission as they gave glory to God. Rejoice in receiving My Infancy into your hearts as you have just celebrated My birth and circumcision.”
Jesus said: “My people, I prophesied to the Pharisees and Sadducees that they could destroy this temple of My Body, and I will raise it up again in three days. At that time I also prophesied how Jerusalem and their beautiful Temple would be destroyed. Anything, as these skyscrapers of your age in the vision, can be destroyed that is made by man. But what I make and establish as My Church will not be destroyed.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are a land of the free and the brave today, but it is a long time yet until your president is elected. A lot of turmoil will occur before this event that could change the landscape of your country’s government as you know it today. The one world people have their own agenda which is different from the desires of your people. They have controlled every president and candidates for president so they are always in control of your purse strings. Do not be surprised at the coming events because the evil ones will have their reign for a short time, but I will be the victor in the end.”
Jesus said: “My people, the faith in certain areas is waning as you are seeing in the vision that more churches will be closed. You are seeing a decline in priests, a decline in church attendance, and selling of churches because of the suits against your homosexual priests. As the evil time begins, your churches will be closed because they do not go along with the new world order. Your church congregations will need to go underground to worship Me in Masses and prayers. Be prepared for this coming time of persecution of My Church. I will always be with you, even if you do not have any priests. My angels will bring My consecrated Hosts to you when you cannot have a Mass.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are warm and comfortable in your heated homes of today, but you need to be prepared to pack your sacramentals and your backpacks for when you will have to go to My refuges for your protection. Leaving all of your possessions behind may seem like a difficult thing to do under today’s situation with no physical threats. But when your life and soul are in jeopardy from the evil ones, you will gladly leave to be in My safe havens.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are always anxious to ask for more messages about the coming year, but I will only give you the sign of Jonah which is a message of repentance or face My justice. This will be like a year which is like no other. The events of this year will be dramatic and you need to be more spiritually prepared than you are today. I will give you more details of the coming events as time draws near to them. I can only repeat My requests for your prayers which are needed now more than ever before. Evil is being granted its brief reign, so you will see this evil growing worse before I will come in victory. I will not leave you orphans, but you must be strong in your faith at this time.”
Source: ➥